Shevchenko Tat'yana IvanovnaPhysic-Metallurgical FacultySpecialty “Metall Science”Theme of master's degree workINFLUNCE OF THE LOW TEMPERATURE HEATINGS TO PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF HIGH-STRENGT WIRE.Supervisor –Dr. Sci., Professor Alimov V.I. |
Summary |
Question about forming of properties of high-strength during the time of
deformation and heat treatment studying comparatively a long ago. The
accumulated information allows to establish that the high-strength wire must have internal
tension: to have «normal» distribution of residual tensions, have a high limit
of elastisity, it must made from steel with the promoted content of Mn which
promotes its resistance to corrosion and abrasion, to have exact sizes and form
of section. As standard methods of test do not give complete information for the
estimation of apprasial of making demands of wire it is important to take into account
influence of different factors on its charasterictic and use the different ways
of influence for the improvement of quality. Some of them are mechanical,
thermal, physical and chemical methods of additional treatment of wire. At research of additional thermal treatmentr K.F.Starodubov and V.K.Babich
establish that at the tempering 200 At the same time in opinion of other researcher, tempering of cabel's
wire is harmful. They consider that negative influence of tempering on quality
of cabel's wire is related to the increase of its limit of elastisity and loss
of capacity for plastic deformation. In one of works set that heatings of cabel's wire by 50–100 0Ñ result
in the insignificant changes of
mechanical properties: this change is carried by of principle character. In this work influence of the low temperature heatings on physical and mechanical
properties, corrosion stability of high-strength wire of different diameters
with coating and without it were studied. For this purpose on the samples of
diam. 0,3br, 0,5gal, 0,6gal, 0,65br,
1,19br from st. 60 heat treatment with varying of temperatures
within the limits of 50–100 0Ñ and duration of retention
interval 10-60 min was conducted. On these samples it was measured specific electrical resistivity (r,Îm*m) by the Tompson's bridge, tested durability of
wire which is tie in a bungle (for the wire of diam. 0,3br) and
without him (for other under consideration diameters) for determination of tensile strength (s, N/mm2), and also to test in torsion.The got results
are presented in a table 1. Table 1. Properties of heat treatment of high-strength wire
*) br – bright wire; gal – galvanized wire During the study of corrosion resistance it was determined the index of
corrosion of Ê-m, g/m2*h. For this purpose samples exposed to corrosive
influence in 4% aqueous solution of NaCl during four weeks.The got values of Ê-m are resulted in a table 2. Table 2. Corrosion resistance of
high-strength wire
*) br – bright wire; gal – galvanized wire So the
low temperature heatings can positively influence on physical and mechanical
properties of high-strength wire and on its resistance to corrosive effect.