"Pattern-oriented concurrent programming models on .NET platform"
Andryukhin Alexandr Ivanovich
Professional skills:
- .NET Framework platform programming (4 years):
Ñ#, Visual Basic.NET – enterprise, multithreading and distributed applications;
- Win 32 API platform programming (3 years):
C++, Visual Basic 6, MFC based GUI developing;
- working experience with XML/SOAP (1 year);
- Web-programming: ASP.NET(3 years), ASP, JavaScript, PHP;
- distributed applications: technologies .NET Remoting(1 year), Indigo(1 year), network programming (2 years);
- working with databases: MS SQL, MySQL, ADO.NET technology(2 year);
- experience with UML – enterprise information systems developing(2 years);
- object-oriented and parallel programming patterns (3 years), XP, Unit-testing;
- good technical English;
Science Interests:
- enterprise information systems development and integration problems;
- high-leveled concurrent calculations modeling;
- object-oriented and parallel programming patterns issues.
Personal Qualities:
- work in team capability;
- responsibility;
- wish to be involved in research activity;
- constant longing for learning and improving my skills.
Working experience:
- Manufacture practice. «DonetskSteel». Creating .NET assembly to access and work with DBF files;
- DonNTU, faculty «Computer Science», specialty «Software engineering».
- Bachelor of Computer Science (2002-2006)
- Master of Computer Science (2006-2008)
© DonNTU. Dmitriy Baltin 2007