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Computer science |
SPECIALITY: | Economical Cybernetics |
Optimizing an economic system on the basis of “ Profitability over risk” criterion |
I was born on January 26, 1985. I was a big and heavy kid, so if someone in a nursery school tried to take away my toy, I simply fell on them. I didn't enjoy it much in the kindergarten – at home it was much better. I liked riding a scooter or watching my brother play video games. I rarely played games on Spectrum computer, because I couldn't load a game from a tape, and my brother was convinced I should be able to do it myself. However, when I got “Poisk” in the 2nd grade, I was already computer-literate, so I enjoyed full rights to play video games.
I liked studying at school, trying to reach out for my elder brother and sister. I finished my 1st grade in Makeevka School #8, after which I moved to School #32. I became interested in mathematics and literature. I wanted to learn to play guitar and went to a music school, but my voice cracked, as all boys' voices do, so I had hard time trying to sing, while my father is very good at playing guitar and singing. This is why I quit music school when I studied at the 7th grade and went in for basketball and math.
When I was at the 8th grade, the class with profound study of mathematics was created in our school. I was taught mathematics by Ekaterina Korneevna Lifanova. We had more math lessons than a regular class, but their contents did not go beyond the limits of the school course. Those lessons helped me develop a good technique of transformations, which also meant clearness of thinking. All this helped me take the 3rd place at the oblast-level mathematics contest.
I started to develop a huge interest in mathematics, so my parents encouraged me to enter the Donetsk College. There I was taught mathematics by Larisa Leonidovna Potyomkina and Vladimir Leonidovich Potyomkin. It was them who nurtured and perfected everything in me: meeting challenges and lay myself out. In short, they made me a successful math contestant.
Grades 9 to 11 were full with events: mathematics, physics, computer science contests from school to nation-level, following Potyomkins from Donetsk College to “Erudit” liceum, playing bridge with Pavel Ivanovich Poroshin, winning “LG Eureka” game show, trip to Romania to “Cangaroo” contest, English-speaking camp in Donetsk College, and, of course, friends. It all twirled like pictures in a caleidoscope, and entering the Donetsk National Technical University was not the most memorable moment for me.
The thing is, in the 10th grade, simply practicing my “school standard” I successfully passed the rating tests to “Economic cybernetics”. In the 11th grade I just had to do what I had already done before. I changed schools after grades 8, 10 and 11. Each time the volume of self-instruction increased, I had to get used to new teachers and classmates. Universtity became the next step for me. 1st and 2nd years were easy, sometimes even boring. I had been familiar with computers since childhood, economics was very much like mathematics, so passing exams wasn't a problem at all.
I was not satisfied with mere studying at the university, even though it was seasoned with olympiads and conferences. This is why on April 1st, 2004 I started working at the leasing company “Onis”. My duties included: internal cashflow analysis, evaluation of leasing applications. In short, analytical work. It gave me the ability to work in team and understanding what I study for.
Eventually, the ability to automatize my workplace and meet challenges backfired on me. During summer of 2003 I was assigned so much work, I hardly had time to attend classes during the fall semester of my 3rd year. It led to problems with examinations, which made me leave my job.
Nature doesn't like emptiness. I found a new, more flexible job. I started to trade ingame money in Ragnarok online game. Sometimes your hobby becomes your job. Communicating with clients, competing other traders, dealing with ingame police, programming, exploring the ever-developing game world. If you want to know more about it — this is your place.
Currently I am finishing my 5th year. The subject of my thesis for master's degree is “Optimizing an economic system on the basis of “Profitability over risk” criterion.” I will be defending in approximately in December 2007. I intend to continue trading ingame money and enter post-graduate course. Recently I have completed Java programming courses and intend to develop my skill with this language. Trying to become a bit better than I was yesterday is one of my goals.![]() ![]() | |
DonNTU | Master's portal |