Search report

Made by Gomozov O.V.

Tabular information, being research of question of actuality of theme of master's work, is presented in this section. For this purpose the search of keywords and phrases was made in 6 searching servers

on April, 1, 2007

Key phrase Yandex Google Yahoo Rambler Aport Altavista
digital filtration of signals 1058 1070000 170000 947 496 170000
modulation of frequency 19717 17100000 3880000 33699 7952 3880000
developing of IIR-filters 1123 63100 11600 18 1839 11600
developing of FIR-filters 14 163000 64100 55 1824 64000
quantizing of analog signal 18275 961000 29100 1118 799 29000
digital signal processor 140442 53500000 7050000 65694 8529 7050000
developing of filters is in MATLAB 8 654000 118000 1695 7171 1118000
filtration by 2nd order sections 308 1210000 133000 170 272 133000
automat of signalisation in mine 4225 15800 23 0 2093 23
MSCM 1282 70900 45900 1331 231 45900

       From a table evidently, that different searching servers have a different picture of coincidence of phrases. It is so possible to notice that Google and Rambler are selected, because they give out complete lists, greater part of references in which are not useful. As compared to the russian-language search it is possible to see a considerable difference, because the servers like Aport and Rambler are indexing the English-language sites worse then Altavista and Yahoo.

on May, 1, 2007

Key phrase Yandex Google Yahoo Rambler Aport Altavista
digital filtration of signals 1070 1071000 170300 1023 502 171800
modulation of frequency 20127 17107000 3880600 33841 7998 3883100
developing of IIR-filters 1291 64800 12300 21 1874 12100
developing of FIR-filters 17 164500 64700 63 1842 64800
quantizing of analog signal 18261 963000 29400 1194 826 29800
digital signal processor 140383 53501000 7051000 65798 8817 7057000
developing of filters is in MATLAB 12 656000 118900 1643 7194 1119000
filtration by 2nd order sections 358 1212000 133500 194 274 133700
automat of signalisation in mine 4238 15900 35 0 2143 41
MSCM 1291 71000 46200 1376 249 46500

       Comparing to a previous table it is possible to trace the dynamics of change actuality of theme. A serious difference in indexes is not observed. Majority of them was multiplied, especially, obviously followings:"modulating frequencies", "digital signal processor", because they are the most vast and generalized themes. But there are some phrases, to which references is diminished . It is related to the update of bases of these searching servers. In the article of search better than all was Google, and after it follow Yandex , Yahoo, Altavista, Rambler, Aport

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