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"Syntethys and researching CMCD with modificated system of microcomands on PLD"

Made by: Lavrik Alexandr Sergeevich

Supervisor: prof. Barcalov Alexandr Alexandrovich



1.1. Substantiation of subject topicality
1.2. The object and tasks of work
1.3. Prospective scientific novelty and planned scientific value



2.1. The description of the received results
2.2. Conclusions
2.3. Literature

1.1. Substantiation of subject topicality

Wide introduction of electronics and automatics in all fields of activity of a human society, puts forward more rigid requirements to electronic products. Now for realization of digital systems as hardware basis programmed logic devices with various architecture are used. Application of this basis allows increasing reliability, speed, a degree of integration of designed devices, and also it is essential to lower time of designing and constructing, consumption of power and dimensions of devices.

Modern digital systems constructis on the basis of a principle of microprogram management which assumes presence of the control device, in particular the microprogram control device, which coordinating work of all blocks of system. Two basic classes of microprogram control devices are "rigid" logic machines, representing sequential scheme synthesized by the description, set by the abstract automatic device; and also "programmed" logic machines, based on operational-address representation of information stored in special control memory. These classes possess a number of problems which with success are solved by microprogram control devices presented in the form of a composition of machines with "rigid" and "programmed" logic which have received the name of composite microprogram control devices (CMCD).

The similar approach promotes reduction in hardware expenses in the scheme and to increase in speed of the device. But also the scheme in that case becomes specialized, that limits an opportunity of an effective utilization of micro programming at a user level.

1.2. The object and tasks of work

The object of work is reduction of cost and increase in speed synthesized microprogram control device, by minimization of the logic scheme due to application of structure with the converter "number of input - the address of input".

For achievement of an object in during researches it is necessary:
  1. To analyze existing structures and methods of synthesis microprogram control device in CPLD basis, and also the review of actual CPLD.
  2. To develop structure of microprogram control device, allowing optimizing hardware expenses and speed of scheme of microprogram control device in its realization in CPLD.
  3. To develop the software (CAD), allowing to automate process of synthesis CMCD on the basis of algorithm and to receive the description of its scheme in VHDL.
  4. To research characteristics of schemes of microprogram control devices with use of the offered structure, and also to compare the received characteristics to characteristics of microprogram control device in which other structures are applied.
1.3. Prospective scientific novelty and planned scientific value

Scientific novelty of the received results of dissertational work consists in development of structure CMCD focused on minimization of cost and increase of speed of microprogram control device.

Planned scientific value consists in the following:
  1. Structure of CMCD with improved characteristics in CPLD is developed.
  2. The CAD, allowing automating process of synthesis of CMCD on the basis of algorithm is developed. Result of work of the program is the description of scheme CMCD in VHDL.
2.1. The description of the received results

Preliminary researches of structure with the converter "number of input - address of input" have shown a clear advantage in comparison with base structure. At increase in amount of operational vertices, the economy of number of equivalent gates at application of the described structure grows.

Results can be seen on the graphics. The Y-axis represents quantity of equivalent gates and X-axis represent word length needed to adress operational vertices of devise.

2.2. Conclusions

Carried out researches have shown, that in comparison with base structure, application of the offered structure allows to lower hardware expenses because for coding states, codes of smaller word length are used, than for addressing set of operational vertices of algorithm.

The further researches are directed on adaptation of the offered structure to modern CPLD, and also on development of methods of optimization of the presented scheme, in particular on research of possible minimization of the field which are responsible for coding of microcommands.

2.3. Literature

  1. Баркалов О.О. Синтез операційних пристроїв. – Донецьк: РВА ДонНТУ, 2003. – 305 с.
  2. Соловьёв В.В. Проектирование цифровых систем на основе программируемых логических интегральных схем. – 2-е изд., стереотип. – М.: Горячая линия-Телеком, 2007. – 636 с. ил.
  3. Баркалов А.А., Палагин А.В. Синтез микропрограммных устройств управления. - Киев: ИК НАН Украины, 1997. - 156с.

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