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* Русский * * Українскою * * English * * DonNTU * * Masters portal * |
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Abstract In European integration process was made some great steps. But we would remember that European integration is not euro, banks and economics only. It must be Europe of knowledge. That why we need to build and strengthen intellectual, cultural, social and technical base of our society. Especially its touch with universities, which keep on leading hand in such evolution. Open zone of European higher education has a lot of positive perspectives. It is natural to have respect for our differences. It needs continue energies for liquidation of barriers and development such conditions for study, which should wide mobility of students and make cooperation more simple. More detail we must made attraction of students for taking part in realization of principles of Bologna convention in all and control quality of education and science. For this aims not long ago was signed pact between Ministry of education and science of Ukraine and Ukrainian association of students government. Active support of students government in realization missions of Bologna process - is one of its priority. Our University is not exclusion. We have a Students Government of DonNTU, which helps our students to crack a problems, helps students to investigate in all details of Europian Union integration process. Like all modern organizations Student Government can not go without modern IT technologies. First step to the IT integration was portal of Students Government of DonNTU. For the first - it is informational portal. Its main aim to report information to all who needs it, to make a chance to say something of some reasons, to put a question to higher leaders of university and so on. Application of such resource is very wide. Its provides different topics such as news, low base, links base for analogous resources, distribution (open and private) and a of another. Some of the thinking ideas was realized, some of them are working. But all by turns. The basis for developing of project was a great need for fast information of students, who is in the Students government, and insufficient information about its rights and duties. On the beginning of my work I come into collision of deficiency of information. Maybe it was trivial, but I couldn't right elementary documents. On this portal cite an examples of typically documents for work. But lets go step by step. For the first, when you starts some project, you must to analyze situation on the market. "Market" in 2004'th was fall into decay. Analyzing was started from the searching of sites of students subjects. But unfortunately I couldn't find a lot of students sites. It was a news for me. I didn't believe that such numerous organization, which is represented in any university, haven't any information in Internet. At that time was only one small internet page of Allukranian students union at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Analyzing great amount of sites by analogous themes I draw a conclusion, that gantry of students government of university is a new, interesting and very necessary thing. During observing of internet pages of such topic I found a great number of different sites, but I couldn't collect it in strong classification, that's why I collect them by different properties. First classification was by level of complexity. There are a lot of very simple pages. They have a very week felling, inexpressive design. Amount of pages on such sites is near 10-20 pages. In most cases this is pages of academic groups, technical schools, institutes and universities which has no computer oriented specialties. On this pages is present a very narrow amount of information, sometimes they have no information about coordinates for contact from outside. For this group we must put such pages which is included to the system of university web-site and have the same design like it. In such case there are only a few pages. Second group is more expressive and more seriously pages. For this group we can put sites with classical, strong academic design. On such pages is no any nonstandard colors, or nonordinary designer solution. From my experience for example if there is a bottoms - they didn't twinkle or didn't have any extraordinary colors, tables is made in classical style and design stream. Some of such sites holds to university site style, but don't copy it and don't enter to it group. The third group - this is complex, serious sites. Such sites in most cases made by designers groups from informational centers of university or it orders in other professional web-design organizations. In tis category is very hard design. It has a lot of graphics, flash animation and so on. This group of site takes on like a great web-site, but it has no materials in. Second classification is contained in sharing sites by language of writing. There are some groups too. First group is very similar to previous classification. This is simple pages which uses simple html, without including even any scripts. For this group we can also put pages which made in the visual editors and with help of standard stencils on free hosting portals. For another group we put sites where we can see handwriting of Internet-programmers. On such pages are a very slight shows of using Jscript and VBscript. And for this group I would like to measure sites designed fully in flash. The third category contents from more or less professional gantry-pages. There are such means like PHP, MySQL, ActiveX and other. This is a great sites with a lot of pages, which is formed dynamic. To calculate amount of pages on such site is very hard and practically impossible. As said on such pages is a lot of graphics, that's why I come to a determination to pick out one more classification by graphical filling. There are three groups too. First - is group with use graphics in any ways. It may be image-map, animated buttons, bright design. Second group - is flash-animated pages. There is means that pages of site is made in flash only. Sometimes they are very heavy and you must wait a long to load it. For third group you can put mixed pages on which you can see animated images, buttons, ActiveX elements, flash animation and sometimes VRML elements. Analyzing all I bound to create site of Students government in classical academically style. On the first page there is news about work of students government in university. This topic is oriented on not great amount of news, but all news are collected in the archive and are available all time. |