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Julia Velichkina Faculty: Computing engineering and informatics Speciality: Computer ecological and economical monitoring Theme of master's work: "Development of the informative-analytical system of evaluation and prognostication of extraordinary situations at territorial level with the use of modern facilities of programming" Supervisor: candidate of engineerings sciences Zvyagintseva Anna Victorovna |
Briefly about myself: Date of birth: 28.06.1985. Average mark at university: » 4,95. I speak Russian and Ukrainian fluently; also I can read and write in English. I have experience in: - programming in languages: C, Ñ++, VÑ++, Delphi, HTML, PHP; - working with databases: Access, MYSQL; - working with software products: Statistica, Matlab, ArcView GIS, Photoshop, Macromedia Flash, 1Ñ Bukhgalteria. Hobby: sport (swimming, volley-ball), hiking, reading. Introduction…I was born on June 28, 1985 in Donetsk. My family is comparatively small: My father, Velichkin Vladimir Yur'evich, is a builder, expert in his work (he took part in reconstruction of Donetsk theatre of drama, worked at building of the hotels Donbass Palace, Atlas, Central and other buildingsites of Donetsk); My mother, Velichkina Elena Gennadievna, is a chief of one of the departments at Donetsk railway Administration; she has been working here for 20 years, devoted to her work, collegues and the enterprise; My elder brother, Velichkin Yuriy Vladimirovich, is a railwayman too, father of my favourite nephew, and also the man who taught me to read; Well and me, Velichkina Julia Vladimirovna, is a modest master of DonNTU. Kindergarten and primary schoolI went to kindergarten; I still remember good, responsive educators, sweet nurse Snezhanna, first love, happening to me exactly at the kindergarten and by different celebrations. I liked everything in the kindergarten, but for some reasons I wanted to school. Probably my brother was the main reason, or thirst for new knowledge, acquaintances. I don’t remember exactly. And the first form! I entered my first house of knowledge with bows, two times bigger than my head, the bouquet of asters and my elder brother’s satchel. It was school ¹145, 1-B form. Unknown to me I was appointed the head of class. This «position» didn’t burden me very much, vice versa – I was even proud of it. In 1993 our family moved to Voroshilovskiy district of Donetsk, I moved to another school. My new school was called Learning and Education Complex (LEC) ¹1. I missed my friends very much, but making a lot of new acquaintances, I did not notice how I became one of them. And this is a charm of childhood, everything what happens to you is wonderful! There isn’t much to tell about primary school. The only thing I like to point out is my teacher – Lupandina Ljudmila Aleksandrovna, who did her best to educate and inculcate in us an interest for studies. Secondary school and higher education Our classes once or twice were re-formed, further in connection with the character of school, and from the 8th to the 11th form I studied at physics and mathematics class, what stipulated for my further love to exact sciences. Our form monitor was Veresoka Valentina Nikolaevna, who made education process more interesting, using different new approaches. At school I participated in a lot of competitions both at the level of school and at the level of district, international competition in mathematics called «Kangaroo». Practically every school year I got praiseworthy deeds, completed my study with honor. The collaboration of LEC¹1 and DonNTU and high marks allowed me to pass on preliminary examinations. Why DonNTU? At first, because the establishment is known and respecten in educational structure, and secondly, because I entered to the budget formed education, that made happy not only me but also my parents. The choice of speciality was based on the fact that every body including me worries about ecology in our city. From the name and description of speciality I decided that here I would become a specialist exactly in this field. And also a plus was that, getting education on this speciality, making additional efforts (self-education) would make it possible to work practically in any industry. Everything was new for us, and therefore interesting: teachers, lectures, students sitting next to me. I think that our relations and impressions about each other were formed somewhere by the end of the 2 course, although at this time a lot of our groupmates dropped out. Well and what can student life be without going to KVN, clubs, cafe etc? All it was, certainly. The question whether «Go to the master’s courses or not?» did not stand. An average level allowed me to take the budgetary place, and knowledge is never superfluous. Therefore now I am continuing to study, but with a proud rank - master! The choice of supervisor was not difficult. As I was interested in the questions of ecology I chose Zvyagintseva Anna Viktorovna. She is a young woman who has already supported of candidate's thesis that says for itself. The theme of my master's degree work was formed by joint efforts, and, at the end, resulted in what you can now - «The creation of the information-analytic system of evaluation and prognostication of extraordinary situations at territorial level by modern facilities of the programming». This system is necessary for gathering and accumulation of information about extraordinary situations, their further analysis. This system is created for report information to the interested part of population, interested in this problem. Plans for the futureI don’t like to do prognoses, but first plan is successful writing, and then supporting of master's degree work, getting master's degree in computer sciences. Also I would like to improve my English. I would like to find a company, where I could hold a leading position through a period of time. If plans are realized, I would like to live anywhere in the country, closer to the nature. |
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