

Mine Water and the Environment (2005) 24: 209-212 IMWA Springer-Verlag 2005.

Chunlai Yang: Beijing Research Inst of Mine Construction, Qingniangou Rd E, Hepingli 10013 Beijing, China;
Zonggmin Wang: Zhengzhou Coal Corp Engineering Co, 2 Hangai Rd, Zhengzhou 450006, Henan, China; corresponding author's e-mail:

Abstract Special techniques are used for shaft sinking in aquifer formations. In the unstable aquifer formations encountered in Chinese coal mines, freezing is always adopted for shaft constructions in an aquifer alluvium, while surface pre-grouting is generally adopted in bedrock formations. So far, freezing has been used to construct 500 vertical shafts, comprising a total length of 80 km, and surface pre-grouting has been used in more than 150 vertical shaft sinking projects. The maximum depth of freezing is about 700 m, while the maximum depth of surface pre-grouting exceeds 1000 m

Shaft Freezing
Freezing in shaft sinking was invented by F.H. Poetsch in 1883. Its essential feature is the solidification, by freezing, of water-bearing ground in which the shaft is sunk. The method was introduced to China from Poland in 1955 and first applied in the Linxi Mine ventilation shaft of the Kailuan Coal Mining Bureau. In the 50 years since then, the method has rapidly developed due to professional and academic research and enhanced equipment technology and construction methods. Today, freezing is one of the most important methods of underground construction in the complex and unstable water-bearing alluvium of Chinese coal mines due to its high reliability. Freezing has also recently become popular in urban construction projects

To prepare a site for freezing, a series of equally spaced boreholes are drilled on a concentric circle enclosing the site of the shaft. Heat is removed from the ground via probes placed into the boreholes. The probe itself consists of an external pipe, 50-150 mm in diameter, closed at the lower end and containing an open-ended inner tube of slightly shorter length. The inner tube can vary between 20-75 mm in diameter. The freezing tubes are connected with two circulation mains, in such a manner that cold brine may be pumped down the inner tube and allowed to return along the annular space between the two tubes and then through the collection main back to the refrigeration plant. Here it is pumped through a chiller (normally a shell and tube heat-exchanger), where it is cooled down again, and then delivered via a distribution main back to the inner tubes of the probes. The coolant is therefore confined in a closed, recirculatory flow path. An industrial refrigeration plant is required to cool the brine. Extracted heat is dissipated into a nearby watercourse if available, or into the atmosphere by forced-draught cooling towers or evaporative condensers

The effect of circulating a coolant through the complete system is to produce long cylinders of frozen strata around each column, which gradually increase in diameter until they merge, forming a" circular barrier of frozen ground, known as the ice wall. During excavation, refrigeration is maintained, generally in excess of the level required to offset heat transfer from the warmer strata surrounding the shaft

Freezing has been used to construct 500 vertical shafts in the northeastern, northern, and eastern part of China, with a total length of 80 km. The auxiliary shaft in Dingji Mine of the Huainan Coal Mining Bureau in Anhui Province has a freezing depth of 570 m, and an alluvium thickness of 524 m. The auxiliary shaft has a designed depth of 880.5 m, a net diameter of 8.0 m, and a throughput of 6.0 Mt/a. The Guotun Mine, which is being constructed in the Juye mining area in Shandong province, is expected to have the deepest freezing depth (702 m), with an alluvium thickness of 570 m

Simultaneous Freezing and Grouting Technique

The steps to construct vertical mine shafts through water-bearing strata are: GPG ==> Shaft freezing ==> Drilling frozen section ==> Drilling bedrock. Usually freezing and grouting holes are distributed around different concentric circles, and the diameters of freezing holes are larger. It is normally impossible to drill grouting holes and freezing holes simultaneously due to the limited working space and interference between the two operations. The key to overcoming this problem is to place the grouting holes on a circumference outside that of the freezing holes. To assure grouting quality, it is required to drill most grouting holes in an S-shape, not vertically. That means the starting point of grouting holes is away from the excavated diameter. After drilling through the alluvium, boreholes head to grouting positions close to the excavated diameter. While drilling and grouting the bedrock sediments, passive freezing, excavation, and bricklaying can proceed in the frozen sections

Table 1. Final injection pressures are selected based on hydrostatic pressure, which is controlled by depth
Depth of grouting
Injection pressure (mPa)
7 - 9
8 - 14
10 - 18
18 - 25

Grouting holes are usually drilled using a thousand-meter boring machine and other specialized equipment. JJX-3 clinometers are used in normal grouting segments while JDT-6 turbine clinometers are employed to detect the gradient of boreholes, and to help correct the final boreholes. The normal distance between observations is 20 m. Directional drilling uses JDT-6 turbine clinometers, along with 5LZ120*7.0 or 5LZ95*7.0 stages of screw drills and oriented wedges. Group pumps and group termination plugs are used for grouting

The simultaneous process is outlined in Figure 1. First, crews simultaneously drill the freezing and grouting holes on different circumferences. Meanwhile, shaft digging and bricklaying crews get ready (setting up the headframe, preparing construction stabilization and winding basis, etc.). As soon as the freezing holes are completed, the freezing station is installed and freezing is started. Meanwhile, grouting is going on in the bedrock sediments. When active freezing is completed, shaft trial-digging commences while grouting in the bedrock sediments is still under way. Grouting in the bedrock sediments is finished by the time that excavation and bricklaying is finished in the alluvium, allowing the process to continue in the bedrock sediments

This simultaneous technique shortens construction time (by 25-33%) and assures quality of freezing and grouting, allowing earlier coal extraction. By way of example, details are provided on the application of simultaneous freezing and grouting in constructing the Xuandong No. 2 ventilation shaft in Hebei (now underway). The shaft has a diameter of 6.0 m and a depth of 870.0 m. The alluvium thickness is 92.2 m and the depth of freezing is 110.0 - 130.0 m. The diameter of the circumference for both the freezing and grouting holes was 11.0 m, while the diameter of the circumference for the S-shape grouting holes was 21.0 m.

Sequence of Construction (Refer to Figure 1)

a.  Three crews drilled three vertical grouting holes at a circumference of 11 m. The height of the grouting stage was 110-300 m. The purpose of drilling   these   holes   was to enhance grouting effectiveness in the fractured rock under the alluvium. Furthermore, such holes can be used as freezing holes later during shaft construction.
b. Another three crews drilled on a circumference of 21.0 m. Two of them constructed30 separate freezing holes, with depths ranging from 110 to 130 m and 6 oriented grouting holes with a depth of 880 m.
c.  Meanwhile, crews prepared for excavating and bricklaying the shafts.
d.  After the freezing holes were drilled, freezing stations were installed and active freezing commenced. When active freezing was completed, excavation and bricklaying started.
e. Digging and bricklaying in the alluvium part of the shaft was carried out simultaneously with passive freezing in the freezing station, and GPG for bedrock sediments. The GPG was completed when excavation and bricklaying was finished in the alluvium, allowing operations to continue in the bedrock sediments

The shaft is under construction now. The expected time for freezing, grouting, and shaft digging is 584 days. Many shafts have now been built using this simultaneous technique, and it is clear that it generates significant economic benefits.

Submitted June 14,2005; accepted Sept. 19,2005
