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Master's thesis
This theme affects very vast material. In order to expose him the decision was fully accepted about that, to unite my work with work of master's degree Abramov A.N. Thus she became complex, I.e. a research sphere is identical, and the objects of research and further improvement are different. Reference to the site of Abramov Alexander.
The pogruzhnaya gydrovybratsyonnaya setting is intended for the boring drilling
on the depth of to 8 м and diameter 130 mm in the breeds of the I-IV
categories on burymosty at
searches and secret service of submarine deposits of building materials marine
rossypnykh deposits of different minerals engineering-geological
researches on a sea and other reservoirs at the depth of water of to 50 м with
srednetonnazhnykh and malotonnazhnykh burovykh of courts. To appropriate
the name to setting
"Setting of gydrovybratsyonnaya
pogruzhnaya ".
Purpose of creation of marine probootbornyka for the well-boring in depth 50 м on the loose ground deposits of the I-IV categories from the prosloyamy breeds of the to VI categories for burymosty from srednetonnazhnykh boring ships.
Mastering of oil and gases
deposits of shelf requires conducting of detailed engineering-geological
researches necessary for building of marine burovykh of platforms and gasket
submarine pipelines. Burovye is major component part of researches
works the results of which enable it is correct to interpret
information got at geophysical researches of bottom, and, in the end,
to define the geological structure of the mastered area of shelf. Boring works
include the well-boring shallow in depth 4-6 м (probootbor) and boring drilling
engineering-geological mining holes the depth of which is determined by terms
beddings of breeds of the mineral bottom hidden under the deposits of unsteady breeds
(yly, sands and etc), and does not usually exceed 25-30 м.
Chart of work of setting of multitrip boring drillings (GIF: width 115*Height 299 pix; frame 5; File size=52,4 KB):
For realization of the offered technology multitrip boring drilling it was decided to use the pogruzhnuyu gydroudarnuyu setting boring drilling of УГВП-130/8М, used for conducting of probootbora. In composition of setting the gydroudarnyy boring shell of setting of УГВП-130/8 enters and frame support similar to support of setting of ПУВБ-150.
Pogruzhnye options.
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Technical descriptions УГВП
Technical description of gydroudarnogo boring shell
Name | Value of parameter |
mechanism Sizes: - outward diameter - length - mass Working description: - expense of liquid - pressure on drive - frequency of shots - energy of blow - power on drive Kolonkovyy set (complete sets) Outward pipe: - diameter (outward / internal), mm - length, mm Internal kernopryemnaya pipe: - diameter (outward / internal), mm - length, mm Shoe cutting - diameter (outward / internal), mm - corner pryostrenyya, Кernorvatel' Starting knot: - overhead - lower |
differential action 127 mm 2300 mm 160 kg 230 - 250 l/min 2 - 4 МПа 20 - 25 Гц 80 - 110 Дж 8-15 кВт Двойная колонковая труба 127/117 4250, 5250, 6250 108/98 4000, 5000, 6000 130/94 30о Petalous type Piston, with the fixed position and forced by the control by pressure of liquid Slide-valve type with by the operative management by speed pressure of liquid |
Рис. 1 –Composition and chart of gydroudarnogo
boring shell and chart of distributing of liquid: а) – in the mode of gydrorazmyva
precipitations; б) – in the mode of selection of kerna; 1 – gydroudarnyk; 2
is pump block; 3 – kolonkovyy set; 4 is overhead starting knot; 5 is lower starting knot; 6 –
shoe; 7 - kernorvatel'
New technology multitrip well-boring with the use of options of series of УМБ-130 allows to eliminate the use of boring and obsadnykh pipes clay and special solutions for washing of mining holes. At driving of mining holes is assumed possibility of partial drift of boring ship in relation to the point of the boring drilling. Technical descriptions of options allow to use them on courts and plavsredstvakh of different type with the sufficient power providing, equipped by the proper gruzopod'emnymy mechanisms and having possibility of raising of forage anchor.
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12. Калініченко О.І., Русанов В.А. Аналіз етапу робіт по підвищенню рейсової проходки і збереженню кернового матеріалу при бурінні підводних свердловин //Збірник .наукових праць НГА України. - Дніпропетровськ, 1998. - Вып. 3, тому 2. - С.247-252.
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14. Калиниченко О.И., Русанов В.А. Разработка и опытно-промышленные испытания технологических режимов ударно-вибрационного бурения донных отложений //Сборник научных работ НГА Украины. -Днепропетровск, 1998. - Вып. 6, том. 4. - С.32-36.
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