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Denis Malyk

Denis Malyk


Mining-and-geological faculty, group ÒÒR-02


On the theme of master's degree work:

«Development and ground of parameters of complex of basic and auxiliary equipment for the boring drilling of mining holes from boring ships with the use of multifunction gidro-shock boring shells».

                                                                      Scientific advisor: Karakozov Artur Arkadievich

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          I was born on March, 5, 1985 in small miner's town of the Selidovo Donetsk region. Childhood was bright and interesting, I grew pretty by a capable and clever child. I do not remember exactly, when learned to read, I will not will tell, but long before school. Liked to read enthralling books on the trips and adventures, especially about dinosaurs. Fascinations there was the great number, constantly made something and constructed.

          In 1992 went out into general school ¹6 cities of Selidovo. And for me mathematics and physics became from the beginning favourite objects, and further algebra and geometry. Teachers were patient, and I knowledges got together with the class-mates very deep and sound. I was taught good a lesson at this school to the eighth class. And 1998 year the first high school in which by a basic subject slope it was planned to re-done on mathematics and informatics was opened in town of Selidovo. Exactly it very interested me, I had decided that will make off remaining 4 classes exactly here. And did not make a mistake with the choice, got pretty all the same deep knowledges in area of mathematics and informatics, which helped me at the receipt in an university.

          The receipt in an university was the very memorized event, because this time yet and coincided with the change of domicile: move from a little small town in the millionth city Donetsk. Acted on speciality of ÒÒR (technology and technique of geological survey of deposits of minerals). Descriptive geometry became a favourite object and further engineering graphic arts. Yet during studies in high school I was very interested by this discipline. A very interesting and clever man due to which taught our school, I took part in the allukrainian conference of the «Graph of XXI age». At conference, and during all studies in an university, I became acquainted and socialized with different people, knew information a lot of interesting and useful, and in general began to study to live independently. Students years appeared for me the brightest and interesting, unforgettable in my life.

          Question about the choice of sphere which my master's degree work will affect, and to formulation of its theme arose up approximately at the end of the third course. I knew exactly, that the theme of the marine boring drilling is most interesting for me and actual in our time. And with formulation of theme appeared a little more difficult. Herein my leader managing by a department Karakozov A.A. helped me. So the choice fell on the hydropercussion fluidizers submarine marine boring drilling. To invent something the span-new appeared by difficult and labour intensive work, and time not so much, therefore my work affected perfection of separate knots of the hydropercussion setting.

          Now my teaching in an university is closed, and as further development of my life I plan two ways: continuation of teaching in graduate school or work on speciality on territory of Ukraine.




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