Technological process automation of state land control
S. L. thunders, Yu. M. Knyazevs, V. L. Вершинин
Subject: State Land Control
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Present state market economy in part of lands, conditioned entering into force Land Code of the Russian Federation, Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, Federal law: On the State Land Cadastre, On land-utilization, On the delimitation of state ownership in land and normative legal acts in development of them, persistently ask for improvement of the state land control.Today the state land control, as the control tool, providing the functioning of market mechanisms in the field of land relations, should be based on qualitatively new basic principles.
One of such principles - procedure realization of state land control on the basis of advanced information technologies. The manual technology already do not provide modern control level, taking into account many time increased requirement to amounts of information, to time minimization from data receipt to their analysis and decision making.
In 2002 state centres the land surveyor (the Moscow ) has been developed and Roszemkadastr approved the concept of creation of the computer system CS the State land control . This conception has been developed on a number of years onward.
For purposes of realization of it by the Roszemkadastr the tasks were set of automated system development of state land control (CS the State land control ), intended for application in Federal Land Cadastre Service and its regional bodies, the implementing state land control.
Deployment of such system, as one their stages of land relation reforming in Russia, conceptually and as a program consistent with Computer System of the State Land Cadastre, and hereinafter and with system of monitoring of land , will allow centralize the subdivisions work, the implementing state land control, upbuild the vertical of operational the land control department - the Russian Federation - the Federal District - the subject of the Russian Federation - local self-government.
CS the State land control will enable receive operational information on legal state of lands, analyze the situation on the basis of urgent information and promptly to accept management decision. It will allow put right the consultations system when solving the complex questions regions (the territory ) land commitees and the paradise (mountains ) land commitees, will ensure the normative and legal aid during inspection, will strengthen the cooperation with subdivisions Federal State Agency Land Cadastral Chamber in regions.
CS the State land control in accordance with approved by the State Land Cadastre by the technical assignment shall be worked out together state centre the land surveyor and southern regional cadastral centre the land ,. Taganrog ). In 2002. CS the State land control successfully was held the trial operation and according to results of acceptance tests is advised to commercial operation. The state centre the land surveyor fabricated and introduced in ten Land resources and land utilization committee of subjects of the Russian Federation 60 soft- and hardware complex for provision of state land control, in that ten mobile complexes in order to conduct field works and supervisory inspection. Has started training of specialist for work with them.
Mentioned soft- and hardware complex include modern PC, scanners, plotters , the copiers, the printers and the faxes (the mobile complexes: notebook with printer, digital camera, electronic roulette and recruitment of drawing accessories ).
The state centre the land surveyor has the experience, technological and technical achievement in this field. The supplied domestic product is keeping up with its technical characteristics of similar foreign, but cheaper it in 2-3 times. That and themselves represents the computer-based system of state land control?
CS the State land control shares to the following the levels:
- Russian Federation; - Federal District;
- subject of the Russian Federation;
- района/города (field complex ).
Basic principles, realized in CS State land control:
- multilevel structure. Soft- and hardware complex, intended for equipping of computer-based workplaces of systems corresponding levels, are distinguishable by the composition and circle the problems which are being solved;
- information cooperation of software complexes as between levels CS State land control, and with software complexes of General State Land Register corresponding level, with possibility preservation of autonomous operation. Furthermore, the availability composed of programme facility, supporting standard branch data exchange format ФОД 1.2 allows to organize the information exchange and with computer-based systems of other departments (in particular, with CS GSRR, the CS TIB, Ministry of Taxations etc.. );
- unified the user interface. The command suite and functions PC the CS the State land control maximally is approached PC ЕГРЗ-Т, which already soundly is mastered by the Roszemkadastr specialists.
In 2002 has been developed and has been sampled by trial operation the software complex, providing technological procedure of state land control at the level of district (city ) and in-the-fields. The development and trial operation CS the State land control of level of subject of the Russian Federation will be complete during 2003.
For solution of the problem of state land control in software complexes CS the State land control of district level (and field complex ) are implemented following functions: making a book inspection of the land law observance; archive authority of cases on fact violation of the land law; formation and document print of state land control, preparation of arbitrary reports and certificates; journalizing received for consideration of materials of land violations; documents formation of infringers challenge; computer assisted support of procedures of imposing penalty; control of deadlines for payment of a penalty and elimination of the land law violations; integration with software complex General State Land Register keeping (PC ЕГРЗ-Т; Relation of cartographic and semantic information of state land control; classifier maintenance; authority of structured reference books of addressing system; authorization access, rights delimitation data access; recording of operator activities; импорт/экспорт data between complexes CS state control service of different levels and software complexes GSLR. The software complex allows one to store the information about materials inspection and to form on them by the computer assisted method the documents of state land control: acts, order on elimination of land violation, protocols ; demand of suspension of work, order on financing cessation; challenge documents of infringer; resolution; statistical reports for State Statistics Committee and other documents.
The technology of state land control, supported by software complexes CS the State land control of district level, it is possible vulgarizing to describe so.
1. Planning inspection. At the stage of drawing up of plans of inspection the software complex, apart from data on results of all performed earlier inspection, empowers to use the information about registered land plots, obtained by the import way data from database GSLR. Here and user are available to a powerful instrument of work with graphic data (for example with duty cadastre map, address plan of territories etc.. ), provided by the geoinformation system of ObjectLand, which are included in software complex.
2. Inspection preparation. At this stage, on the basis of order of regional agency of the State Land Cadastre, are performed preparative operation before departure in the region of inspection. On computer of field complex is exported the information (as semantic, and cartographic ) state land control of regional agency (all or partly ) as of present situation.
3. Inspection of land plot (fulfilment of primary inspection ). The state land inspector carry the option of the process of inspection to use broad possibility, provided by softwares and hardware of field complex. This and accessible cartographic and semantic information about the land plots, and possibility photography object on digital camera (photography can be kept in the memory, is mapped one-to-one (or in a one-to-one way) onto computer display and распечатываться on printer), and formation, print document State land control (audit act, protocol, order etc.) in situ inspection
4. Preparation of materials of inspection to consideration. After inspection of land plot the information from computer of field complex is exported to database the CS the State land control of district level (city ). Further the state land inspector work on Wednesday of software complex CS the State land control are no different from conventional manual technology. With one exception: all documents (the challenge document of infringer, resolution ) are formed tacitly, all steps shall be preserved and may be are displayed at any instant.
5. Consideration of inspection materials. The results of audit materials examination (measure adopted to infringer ) is automatically preserved in database, are formed the output printed documents (resolution, order etc. ).
6. State monitoring of materials of inspection. At disposal of user a powerful instrument request to database. he can control in time-limits data on elimination of offences, on payment of penalties. Here and are introduced information on document certifying the payment of penalties and elimination of offences. At this stage may be taken the decision concerning re-inspection. The procedure of re-inspection is similar to those described under item. 1.
7. Automated report making (State Statistics Committee forms ). It is most efficient stage for state land inspector. One pressing of button is formed in printing and electronic document type, on drawing up of which earlier would be needed more than one the day.
Without stopping in more detail on this technology, stands only to note following.
It is impossible to wait for computer-based system of state land control ( but, the same rightly and for any other the CS ), that it will work for state land inspector, that immediately significantly will reduce the time of the whole technological cycle. No program, no complex of this to make will be unable. Software are called upon to help operator, to execute for it the routine work, but to work in its stead will not never. As to time reduction:
At the early stage of system development it is necessary will ready to the fact, that the accumulated time, spent, for example on data input in computer and the automated print of protocol on administrative violation, will be not is less than the time on extracting of the same protocol by hand. But the application effect of modern information technologies occur not at once and not in that. As of filling database (the filling of addressing system, the appearing of information about legal persons etc. ) operator progressively smaller will to introduce new data, increasingly it uses by the choice already earlier entry. And if still to remember about a powerful instruments planning and accounting - here is this is where пожинаются the computerization fruits.
The effectiveness CS "the State land control the higher, the more is regional agencies of the State Land Cadastre by them are equipped. The more is the volume processing information (on caps of system after all come the data with all downgradient ), all the better is evident the effect from modern information technologies. Still taller the automation efficiency for Roszemkadastr in general will be from joint exploitation of Computer Systems of the State Land Cadastre, land control and monitoring of land. Established on common concept, program compatible, basing on the overall policy of support and maintenance, equipped with funds of interdepartmental information cooperation (for example with systems GSRR ), these computer-based system should ensure solution posed before Federal Land Cadastre Service of state tasks. Still the following can be mentioned.
Our experience in development CS the State land control, its introduction and trial operation, as well as the long-term experience in development, introduction and maintenance CS of State Land Cadastre, shows that the successfulness functioning of the system of this stature on 50% is dependent on organization of stage of AS maintenance. In particular, the application efficiency automated technology of state land control for the most part will define those, how far in normative documents will be were taken into account the specific feature of just computer-based (not manual! ) procedure execution of State land control. On this repeatedly reverted our attention the users CS in the event of trial operation. Other wish - obligatory character work training on Wednesday of special software CS State land control. The work in the system of this stature asks for specialized skills at its users. And in conclusion, a few words about current of state of work. In 2002 computer-based workplace CS the State land control, stipulated the ФРКЦ the land in 6 of district and municipal land commitees of South Federal District. district level, successfully was held the trial operation and have been appreciated very much at specialists in regions. After exit of standard legal acts, specifying the basic documents of State land control (instruction on procedure for the organization and effectuation of the state land control by bodies of the State Land Cadastre etc.. ), will take place, in case of need, finishing of software complex under changed the legal base. Whereupon will begin the mass introduction into the commercial operation CS the State land control of district level in subjects of the Russian Federation. Soft- and hardware complex, including both technical means, and special software, shall be delivered in the regional agencies of the State Land Cadastre by the state centre the land surveyor centrally according to the programme deployment system. Maintenance software complex will be held through infrastructure Federal Cadastral Centre Zemlia (The Land) (network regional cadastral centre).The specialist training of regional agencies of the State Land Cadastre will hold the developer of software complex - southern РКЦ the land ,. Taganrog ).
In plans 2003 is provided the development, the introduction and trial operation in four the regional agencies of the State Land Cadastre of level of a subject of the Russian Federation second of AS sequence of state land control.
Deployment CS the State land control in full volume will allow:
- to improve the organization Directorate of state land control at the expense of procedures standardization of land control in regions of the Russian Federation, efficiency their modification under change of legislative basis, as well as at the expense of operational data exchange between agencies of state land control of different level (the district, the subject of the Russian Federation, the Federal District, Russian Federation );
- to increase the efficiency of land control at the expense of time reduction of document processing in agencies of land control, time reduction of interdepartmental information exchange with allied organizations;
- to improve the realization validity of legal norms at the expense of use of urgent and reliable information about the state of land resources, error elimination because of disadvantage or information uncertainty.
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