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. Master of DonNTU Derkach Aleksey Ananatolievich .

Derkach Aleksey Ananatolievich
master of gr. IUS-06m of faculty "Computer information technologies and automatics"
Master work theme: " Development of the computerized subsystem of automatic focusing of an optical microscope."
Scientific leader: doc. of department ASU, Privalov M.V.

e-mail: adtemp[гав]
ICQ #2294838ICQ Status

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On hours 0:45 2.03.07. Visual Studio it is already closed. The client easy touches the next portion of keys. In headphones the NAIV - Neznaika sounds... We Shall begin perhaps:)

" The couple of words... "

I my mean score Studied studied also has made - 4,78. A little - you will tell and will be in own way right. To write the long list of programs which I own, me laziness (the most bad feature of my character: (). I shall tell so - all programs which were necessary in educational process, I own at a high level. Languages: Russian, a Ukranian language and English (in volume sufficient for reading the technical information and correspondence).

" Year one thousand nine hundred eighty fourth "

I was born on September, 3rd on Sunday :) Was born in Donetsk, in one of maternity homes of Kujbyshevsky area. Also has gone-has gone: the year, two, three years... I Lived a usual life of the usual Soviet child: games in a court yard, a chewing elastic band at the price of 1 rouble - a piece, cartoon films " Ну, погоди ", a kindergarten "Солнышко"... Cheerfully and carefree. For this all I wish to tell thanks the parents:
* mum - Natalia Bogdanovna. The lawyer by formation. Always gives me a lot of attention - will listen, will give advice. Thanks it for support in all my difficulties.
* father - Anatoly Evgenevich. Has learned me to everything, that should be able to do the man - to hammer a nail, to repair to the electrician, etc. the Master on all hands! And still it the inveterate fisherman also has transferred this hobby to me. I love fishing, to sit with a fishing tackle, to have a rest on the nature too.
I went and went to the kindergarten until per 1991 our family has not moved to live in Lenin area. Here I departed half a year in preparatory group and...

" I go to school! "

On September, 1st, 1992 before me has opened doors School 26. I have got in 1-B a class! Thanks my first teacher - Lyudmila Vladimirovne - for that knowledge which it has enclosed in my clever brain:) Studies in initial classes it was cheerful - fights, a red diary... Though, for the sake of justice, it is necessary to note, that near to records of a kind " Behaviour bad ", " fighted on change! " Always adjoined 5 and 4 (5 was much more).

" Ah here it what, a computer! "

In 1992 has had the luck to visit to me Germany at relatives. I have seen Munich, the Olympic center and still it is a lot of that interesting. In the same place I for the first time have seen, that such a computer. Ooh.. Now I estimate, that it was usual "286" or "386" but then it seem to me to something unearthly:))


In 1995 I pass in 5-A a class. The class teacher we had Dmitrishina Zynaida Alekseevna who became us the friend and the adviser about day of release from school. Huge to it thanks for all! In 5 class has appeared at us and a new subject - computer science. Poisk 2, loading on an asynchronous network without a feedback, Arkanoid, etc. Then I already and carried with an informatics. It became one of my favourite objects, along with mathematics, physics, history and Ukrainian. In times of studies at school I had time to take part in olympiads almost on all of objects and on majority from them occupied prize places. I especially want to select participating in regional olympiads on Ukrainian and inofrmatike in a 11 class. In 8 class I had a first computer - ZX Spectrum 48K. Old, kind Speccy:) Squeak of cartridges at loading games and programs... Nostalgia. Then I have started to write the first programs. Even now sometimes I like to start emulator ZX Spectruma and to recollect old kind times. In 7 class I have taken a great interest in game on a guitar. Has started to go on employment, studied songs. I can not tell, that I the class guitarist - simply play for myself, in the pleasure. So on the sly I have approached to 11 class and accordingly to a choice to a place of the further training. The choice of HIGH SCHOOL was unequivocal - DonNTU, and here with specialities business was more difficultly. The choice stood between the ASU (yes when I acted, the speciality still referred to as ASU) and ВТ. Having weighed pro and contra I have made all таки the ASU has chosen.11 class has flown by imperceptibly - study at school, preparatory courses, Olympiads. In the winter I have taken part in rating ДонНТУ and having typed 42 points on the mathematician and 55 on computer science I have been recommended to transfer for a speciality of ASU on the budgetary form of trining. And then there were final at school on which I played on a guitar the Crematorium - " the Strawberry with an ice ", deliveries of a gold medal, farewell to school, to teachers which have learned me to much. Thanks Peter Vasilevich for mathematics, Elena Leonidovna for physics, Elizabeth Valentinovna for computer science, Elena Nikolaevna for a Ukranian language, thanks all.


on August, 31st, 2002, assembly of the first rate of faculty of the WHALE. Alexander Vladimirovich Horhordin will read to lists of groups and names heads. I get in group IuS-02a. одногруппники have got to me interesting enough and cheerful. All of us have quickly enough become friends and almost every week walked the cheerful company. Studies on the first rate after school was тяжеловато, and I which in what was lazy: (Therefore on 1 and 2 rate at me was on one "three". But I have become reasonable and leveled. First I did not plan to go to a magistracy. First my head was к.т.н. Wet Г.В. But after 4 rates I have made a decision to go to study in a magistracy and to replace the head. The choice has fallen on Privalova M.V.having with it, I was defined with a theme and a direction of the masters works - " Development of the computerized subsystem of automatic focusing of an optical microscope ". Theme for me very interesting, and Maxim Vladimirovich - the young teacher who can tell and explain about new technologies in the given area.

" Plans for the future "

First, certainly, to finish a magistracy. To write магистерскую work and it will normally be protected. Well and after that it would be desirable to find worthy highly paid work on a speciality. Me programming most of all is pleasant, I devote studying of modern languages and technologies a lot of time. Therefore, I think, that my knowledge will be valued according to the merits. After I shall firmly become independent, I certainly plan to get family:) Well and further as under the standard:
1. To construct the house
2. To grow up the son
3. To plant a tree

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