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. Derkach Alexey Anatolievich .

Derkach Aleksey Anatolievich
master of gr. IUS-06m of faculty "Computer information technologies and automatics"
Master work theme: " Development of the computerized subsystem of automatic focusing of an optical microscope."
Scientific leader: doc. of department ASU, Privalov M.V.

e-mail: adtemp[гав]
ICQ #2294838ICQ Status

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Some words about unofficial forum of KITA

Nick: Alder
Status: Administrator
User ID: 1
   I am one of 4 administrators of unofficial forum of faculty of KITA. The idea of creation of forum came to me and to my friends at the end of October, 2006. At first it all was at the level of talks and discussions. At the end of November, 2006 we got a suitable case for the purchase hosting and it was decided all the same to organize a forum.
   The domain name was chosen - The domain name was specially chosen in the area of for to 2 reasons:
1.It targets at organizations and physical persons which present organizations. We going to be (though and unofficial) the representatives of faculty in interenet.
2.Registration of domains is in the area of it is free of charge for the proprietors of special nik-handle in the area of UA-IX. For registration of domain my UANIC was used - ALDR-UANIC.
   The terms of hosting were chosen with a calculation on hasty growth of forum and with a large supply. From additional possibilities it is possible to mark creation of all-forum ftp-server and possibility of creation of postal server for the domain of (while it is not realized).
   Enough sharply the question of choice of rendering-engine got up for a forum. From most known and popular were selected followings:
2.Invision Power Board
4.Simple Machines Forum
After the careful weighing all the rendering-engine of Simple Machines Forum was chosen "pro and con". I will bring his dignities over:
1.Free of chargeness (developed as a product of open source).
2.High security level.
3.Presence of all of necessary for a good forum functions and possibilities.
4.Simplicity of setting of updates.
5.Presence of large number of modifications and that.
   History of forum began on January, 8, 2007, when a forum was officially opened for posititeley. A publicity company was conducted - pasted announcement on the doors of educational audiences of 8th corps, and a forum began to be filled with visitors. Now (13.06.2007) at a forum the following statistics:
1.Users - 318
2.Active users (leavings even a 1 report for the last 2 weeks) - 74
3.No less than 100 unique visitors for days.
4.Messages - 18 532
5.Themes - 901
6.Sunforums - 36
The detailed statistics can be looked to address - Detailed statistics
  It is done away with technical details. We will pass to other side of medal.
"Why did we create this forum?":
1.To extend the representative office of our faculty in Internet.
2.To create a warm friendly environment for intercourse on different themes.
3.For the association of all of people, related to our remarkable faculty.
"That did turn out for us?"
   Now, certainly not all turned out from that we planned. But there is a positive tendency of growth of forum, bringing in of new users, development of sections.
"What would be desirable?"
  More new users and to activity of old (those, for whom still 0 messages) :)
"What interesting a forum?"
   All :) If in earnest, themes rise most various - beginning from komp'yuternogo iron and concluding relations. In discussions on a forum the most various people accept active voice: graduating students of KITA, teachers, graduate students, senior men, freshmen, there is even one schoolboy which going to enter our Alma Mater, true, on FVTI. There is a separate section of "Quiz", in which quizzes are conducted on the different fields of knowledges. Also there are separate sections on departments for illumination of educational processes on this kafedere or decisions of other, questions related to it. A whole subforum is taken for computers is hardware, software, telecommunications, Internet, programming. There are thematic forums - sport, music, books and other A section is separately selected Creation, creation of community - verses, prose and other is placed in which. Forum Team actively participates in the project of the distributed calculations Breaking RC5-72. Statistics are accessible here.
"What benefit is from a forum?"
   Students communicate between itself more active, extending the circle from the sizes of group and stream to the generalfaculty. There is a gallery on a forum, where many lay out pictures for greater "visualization". Soon we plan to conduct the first collection of community in the real life - in honour the semiyear of existence of forum. Suggestion to do a faculty flag acted, it was accepted all "on hurra", our designers already thought of his original appearance and collection of financial means is actively conducted on this good business. On the whole a collective on a forum sneaked up very friendly and scalene, therefore, think, after meeting in reality our generalfaculty unity okrepnet only!
   Masters are active not only in educational activity but also in a generalfaculty. Present magistrants and already produced masters is mainly engaged in moderator (whosesoever names over I will bring by virtue of their desire to save incognito :) ). Obviously, pair to on SIT were not passed to no purpose and masters use the Internet confidently.
  I can add upon completion: a forum is opened for all! Interesting can be the students of any specialities - and not only to the students! On a forum all of persons interested are invited, so or differently related to our remarkable faculty!

Best regards Alexey 'Alder' Derkach


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