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Fedyanin Andrey Stanislavovich
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Fedyanin A.S.

Fedyanin Andrey Stanislavovich

Faculty: Computer information technologies and automatics(CITA)
Specialization: Telecommunication systems and networks
Master's work's theme: Research and development of the system of antivirus protection of the corporate network
Supervisor: The senior teacher of faculty AT Jaremko Igor Nikolaevich

Main page(Autobiography)
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Main points about me

Average mark of my study at the university is 4,1. I speak Russian, Ukrainian and a little English. Here are my skills in software: AutoCAD, Fifa2007, SolidWORKS, Inventor, photoshop, ÊÎÌÏÀÑ.

My nice childhood

I was born June the 17-th 1985 in Avdeevka. My childhood was nice and careless thanks to my parents; father- Fedyanin Stanislav and mother-Fedyanina Natalia. My elder sister Olya has contributed heavily in making me a person. Before school I was going to kindergarten "Kolokolchik".


I went to school when I was 6 years old. I studied good and tried to fulfill everything imposed on me. My favorite subject was geography. I was a member of ÊÂÍ team took place in school holydays and different contests. I was fond of basketball, football and table tennis. The best moments of my life I have spent in school.


I entered Donetsk national technical university in 2002 by rate tests. Profession is tele communicational systems and networks. By choosing profession I took into consideration not only my personal sympathy but also prospects of my future occupation. I have decided to enter the magistrate due to Bologna trial. I believe I have made the right choice.


My aim for future is to fulfill and defend my magistrate work/ that is why some coming months will be full of interesting scientific research. When I graduate from the university I would like to practice. I like statement: " Always look 2 steps forward" I will be guided by it.

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