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Master DonNTU Kostanda Gennadiy Olegovich
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Faculty: Computer information technologies and automatics

Department: Automated Control Systems

Speciality: Information controlling systems and technologies

Theme of master's work: System help decision making for minimization of the expenses dependent on raw material and domain process

Supervisor: associate professor Privalov Maxim Vladimirovich


I was born on 7 December 1984 in Maikop (in Krasnodar region) in the family of a doctor and university lecturer. In 1986 our family (we) moved to Donetsk where live nowadays. According to my mother’s words I began to speak when I was only 6 month and after that period I could quickly remember the long texts. When I was 3 my favorite games were chess and design with meccano. When I was 5 I also went in for sports in section “Locomotiv” and began to fond of music.

School days

When I was 7 I entered the school #54 and at the same time I studied at the musical school #2 at the class of piano. Preparing for the concerts in the musical school train in me such features as persistence, hard-working and responsibility. My favorite school subjects were math, chemistry, biology and drawing. During my school years I took part in many knowledge competitions (so called “Olympiads”) and took only the first places. In 1999 we moved to another region in Donetsk and I entered new school #17 which I finished with gold medal. This is the school with profound study of mathematics and physics. I’m very grateful to this school, because years of study there discovered my preferences in study exact science and I opened in myself the desire to study computer systems professionally.


In 2002, having high points in school certificate and excellent mark after the interview I entered DonNTU to the faculty of computer information technologies and automation (Speciality: Telecommunication systems and networks (TSN)). At the second year of study I entered the military division at our university. At the same period I worked as an assistant at the TSN department, and attended driving school (so now I have teaching skills and driving license with category B, C) .

In 2006 I got the diploma of computer sciences bachelor and nowadays I continue my study to obtain Master's degree. Now besides basic educational subjects I study additional disciplines: strategic management, international competitiveness management, investment and innovative policy, innovative policy in a metallurgical complex and the others. My practice was at JSC "Donetsksteel" where I work nowadays.

In April 2007 I took part in VII international scientific and practical conference for the students “Automation of technological objects and process. The search of young ” (26-28 April 2007). My scientific report was devoted to “Computer modeling system of blast furnace working process with coal injection”.

Master’s thesis

Theme of master’s thesis : “The system of decision support for the resources costs depending on blast-furnace process minimization“. I took exactly this theme because when being on the practice at JSC "Donetsksteel" I found out the problem which is interesting and actual for today: it is necessary to create mathematical simulated model for adequate options determination of blast-furnace work taking in account the technological variations of pulverized coal proportion.

Future plans

In the nearest future I plan to successfully to defend my master's thesis and become the indispensable employee.