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Master DonNTU Kostanda Gennadiy Olegovich
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Faculty: Computer information technologies and automatics

Department: Automated Control Systems

Speciality: Information controlling systems and technologies

Theme of master's work: System help decision making for minimization of the expenses dependent on raw material and domain process

Supervisor: associate professor Privalov Maxim Vladimirovich

Grade point average: 4,86. Knowing languages: Russian – native, Ukrainian – free, English – enough knowledge to read and write letters.

Other skills: I can work with operating system Windows 98/2000/XP, Linux; with programming languages - Borland Pascal, C, C++, C++ Builder, Delphi, Assembler; with facility of the work with database - Access, Visual FoxPro, Microsoft SQL Server; the package MS Office, ERwin, BPwin, NetCracker, Matlab, COMPASS; web-programming: HTML, CSS; the multimedia packages: Flash, Corel, Photoshop, Sony Sound Forge.

My hobbies: digital technologies, cars, sport, classical and instrumental music.