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ovcha_artem@mail.ru | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I was born in Mariupol 16/04/1985. My father is the late now, but he was a doctor of an ambulance in that time and my mum was a volleyball trainer. I was the first and single child in family. Once my parents asked my: “Would you like to have a brother or a sister?” I was playing cars, so I answered: “I’d like to have a fire-engine”. My father, Vladimir Efimovich, was gifted and interesting nature, but he was incomprehensible in many respects. He used to be a doctor a long time. And he worked in a business in a final of his life. His talent for a management was shown headily on the new job: his colleagues have elected he as a manager, although he had worked about 2 years only. And he was fond in the river later. Some fingers of his hands was dislocated or break, his stomach was blue because of a beating. They had wrote down in a protocol “He has drowned”. The memory about my father is bright and kind only, because he was kind, although he had had some deficiencies in his character. My mum had had to replace a father for me. The whole of her life – her interests, wishes, aspirations, her suffering and joy – is revolving round of me. My mum is noble and courageous nature. She is illogical, inconsistent, superficial sometimes, because she is woman. But I know an essence and a deep wisdom of her character: constantly staggering earnestness looks out from a cheerfulness and wisdom – from illogicality. She can sacrifice herself for other people’s sake. She devoted her half-life to serving trainer. Apropos, I have seen trainings in my childhood too. Maybe it is the cause of my dislike for volleyball. She has became the second mother to some boys. Her ex-learners are grown-up and have a families, but even now they visit my mum, share one’s life with she, ask advice. She is pedagogue, and it’s her vocation. There are people, who gives lectures and are a teacher, but only some part of them deserve to be called “pedagogue”. But I know, even when she will be a pensioner, she will be a pedagogue. In this time she lectures sport theoretic disciplines in the sport institute and in the college of an Olympic reserve in Donetsk. I’ve remembered well hospitals in my childhood. For the first time I went to hospital at a very young age, because I had sick intestine. I was being to the hospital with various sickness until I went to school. I remember, that I was very mobile, talkative and cheerful. I was studying at 144-th school until the third grade, and then we moved to new flat and I entered in 120-th school. In early grades, in my young age, I was on friendly terms with those guys, who are my friends still. At that time we was able playing the whole day, and we didn’t tired of ourselves. Besides playing football, a reading books was my hobby at early school. My mum had gave my some book very opportunely and very wise, so it was very interesting for me. I was six years old then. It was “Mauhgli” of R. Kipling. Now I even can’t retell the story of the wild boy, but at that time this book carried me with one very much. And then, as a chain reaction, “Tarzan”, “The Monte-Christo earl”, “The three musketeers” were delivered. Besides other things I must mention about violin’s lessons in a musical school and a volleyball trainings at the sport circle. But I looked at the first as a job but not as an enthusiasm, and at the second as a milestone in my physical education, so it didn’t be able to press the football. I have my favorite teachers from school. It’s Elena Alexandrovna, who lectured a mathematic in 5th grade. She worked at the school one year only, but we are having friendship still. Procenko Violetta Fedorovna is the teacher in the 9th musical school of Donetsk. We were busying ourselves music during 5 hours without interruptions, because of we had to study the concerts or pieces. By the way, she is my comrade hitherto. At last grades I studied in Donetsk technical college. At this time I looked at a literature from the writer’s position. I met Sorokin Alexander Anatolievich. He is the philologist, the poet and the pedagogue. The literature became my serious enthusiasm. I even was going to enter to the philologist’s faculty. But I decided on technical, male speciality, because of influence of relatives partially and my own decision. But I’m sorry that I didn’t listen out for noble impulse. My first impressions in university were discrepant. On the one hand, I was glad, because an university seemed to me Utopian society with the orders: “be, what you want and be happy”. But it turned out different. However that may be, the first three years of education in the university didn’t give me much use. But guilt of it is in my laziness. And only at 4th course I understood, that the education is a very useful thing. The interest to the sciences had appeared. At this time not only my attitude to the education changed, but my world view too. It is because of my acquaintance with the Orthodoxy Church. Of course, it is extremely difficult to explain the process, happened in my soul. But at first glance, the acquaintance with the Christianity gave me first of all the sense in an attitude to everything. I’d like to express a gratitude to archpriest Eugene Peykov, the prior of the Saint-Nicola temple of Donetsk. This parson helped me at the critical moments of my life. I must tell about my choice in the theme of magister’s work and the research manager. My practical work was elapsed at the “Azovstal”. There is a blast furnace production, and it is interesting for me. So I had chosen the theme, which intersects with a blast furnace production. When I chose my research manager, I orientates myself on my own sympathies and his high lecture’s mastery. I should to give some prognoses to the future. So, I’d like to be good writer, good pedagogue, good husband and good father, I’d like to be a Christian. But, in my opinion, it’s very difficult to plane this aims. Besides, each talent of me or of somebody makes me or somebody responsible for the use of it. It may be exhausted for blessing or for harm. So, there is statement of problem, which reads: “don’t much harm!”