Tomilin Evgenii

Faculty of computer informational technologies and automatics

Speciality: Scientific analytical and ecological devices and systems

Theme of master's work: methods and controls of the technological objects temperature field

Leader of work: prof. Chichicalo N. I.

Abstract of thesis of master's work

The master's work theme is «Methods and means of control the technological objects temperature field».


  1. Actuality
  2. Purpose and tasks of work
  3. The supposed scientific novelty
  4. The supposed scientific value
  5. Review of existent researches and developments
  6. List of unsolved problems and tasks
  7. The planned and got own results
  8. Conclusion
  9. List of sources


         Modern industry can not exist without casting, because there are only this method, making get all purveyances and details of difficult forms that is major.
         There are different ways of forms preparation, that are applied for the decline of expenditures on surface treatment of founding and economy rise of productions, one of which is burn: there is «intercommunication between penetration of metal in the walls of form with one side and gas-penetrability, size of corn and temperature of burn, on another» [1]. However it is necessary strictly to support the set temperature field into a stove for achievement of maximal effect from the given sort of treatment.

Purpose and tasks of work

         The purpose of master's degree work writing is:
- development of flow diagram of device of the providing measuring and maintenance set temperature field into the area of burn cluster forms, aggregate of inundation, annealing and cooling of the exact casting details;
- mathematical model development of heating process of cluster forms;
- mathematical model development of temperature field control device ;

         During work it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

- to model working of aggregate;
- to define a type, quantity and places of temperature sensors setting for the control of the aggregate thermal field ;
- to take into account influencing of revolting influences basic sources, such as difficult gas presence environment into a stove, radiation reflections from burning forms, stove walls and rendering influencing on an object, etc. and compensate them by the proper construction selection, program decision or making of the proper influence;
- to create the mathematical model of measuring object, control device and to work his reaction on a different revolting influences.

The supposed scientific novelty

         During work there will be developed and got new results:
- mathematical model of concrete measuring object;
- mathematical model of the temperature field control device, developed directly for the controlled object;

Practical value of the results

         The conducted researches results allow to assert that the offered mathematical models with sufficient exactness represent processes flowing into the measuring object, and the foreseen device reactions in a sufficient degree effectively support the necessary temperature field.
         The offered construction and program solutions successfully allow to eliminate measuring errors, conditioned by oscillation of supply feed pressure, by high-voltage feed lines, which lying near the device, by the temperature changes in the workshop.

The supposed practical value:

         Optimization of fuel expense at influence of different revolting factors.

Review of existent researches and developments

         Now casting is one of major modern industry and it is difficult enough to over-estimate its meaningfulness. Since it is constantly necessary to carry out the search of new decisions for the decline of resources- and energy consumption in the given industry, actively inculcate them and also constantly optimize work of existent thermal devices and aggregates.
         Now with a close world fuel crisis, creation of energysaving technologies is actual direction in science and technique development. One of such directions applies technology of the investment casting in clusters, there is optimum temperature condition maintenance into a stove.
         There are plenty different types of ceramic forms processes receipt for casting is now developed: Shaw-process, Unicast-process, Schott-process, Ceramcast-process, Precor-method etc.[2]
         A Shaw-process is used for the different products receipt by such largest corporations, as Ford Motor Company, Mitsubishi Steel, Rolls Royse, Toyota, Toshiba etc.
         Casting in ceramic forms uses enough expensive equipment and raw material, and that is why it is used mainly for making of single products, or small and middle series.
         Foundings got in ceramic forms have increased indexes of size exactness, and also the lowered surface roughness , on comparison with foundings, got by other types of casting [2].
         Now, there are great numbers of institutes working on a problem of modeling the thermal aggregates work. Especially now, when there are accessible powerful computing facilities for man. All is being done to avoid possible money losses, because of assumption errors at planning. In addition, we can see the job performance of aggregate without its building.
        The abstract of thesis of unfinished master's work is here presented. Work will be finished in the December 2007.

List of sources

  1. Ветишка А., Брайдик Й., Мацашек И., Словак С. Теоретические основы литейной технологии. - Перевод под. ред. Ващенко К. И. Киев: Головное издательство издательского объединения «Вища школа», 1981.- с.178
  2. Косняну К., Видя. М. Литьё в керамические формы. - М.: Машиностроение, 1980. - 200с.
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  5. Свинолобов Н. П., Бровкин В. Л. Косвенный радиационный обмен в пламенных печах. - Национальная металлургическая академия Украины, Днепропетровск. - официальный сайт кафедры теплотехники и экологии металлургических печей Национальной металлургической академии Украины - к сожалению ссылка на первоисточник с данной статьёй, на 17.05.07 уже не работала.
  6. Горбунов А. Д., Глущенко Е. Л. К расчёту температурных полей при нагреве тел в движущемся слое. - Днепродзержинский государственный технический университет. - официальный сайт Днепродзержинского государственного технического университета
    ../library/9-09.pdf - копия файла, расположенная в библиотеке - к сожалению ссылка на первоисточник с данной статьёй, на 17.05.07 уже не работала.
  7. Сорока Б. С. Топливные печи в проблеме интенсификации процессов тепло- и массопереноса. - Институт газа НАН Украины. - официальный сайт Института газа НАН Украины - к сожалению ссылка на первоисточник с данной статьёй, на 17.05.07 уже не работала.
  8. Товт В. М. Радиационный теплообмен в замкнутых фокусирующих высокотемпературных устройствах. - Киевский Национальный Университет Технологий и Дизайна. - официальный сайт Киевского Национального Университета 20:34 18.05.2007Технологий и Дизайна - к сожалению ссылка на первоисточник с данной статьёй, на 17.05.07 уже не работала.
  9. Др. Тайбор Капрос. Увеличение передачи тепла при помощи изменения мощности горения. - Исследовательский центр TUKI и Компания по Разработке Технологии Горения H-3515, Майсколк, Венгрия.
    ../library/9-35.pdf - копия файла, расположенная в библиотеке - к сожалению ссылка на первоисточник с данной статьёй, на 17.05.07 уже не работала.

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