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Introduction to Fractal Theory



             What is a fractal? In the most generalized terms, a fractal demostrates a limit. Fractals model complex physical processes and dynamical systems. The underlying principle of fractals is that a simple process that goes through infinitely many iterations becomes a very complex process. Fractals attempt to model the complex process by searching for the simple process underneath.Most fractals operate on the principle of a feedback loop. A simple operation is carried out on a piece of data and then fed back in again. This process is repeated infinitely many times. The limit of the process produced is the fractal.

           Almost all fractals are at least partially self-similar. This means that a part of the fractal is identical to the entire fractal itself except smaller.Fractals can look very complicated. Yet, usually they are very simple processes that produce complicated results. And this property transfers over to Chaos Theory. If something has complicated results, it does not necessarilly mean that it had a complicated input. Chaos may have crept in (in something as simple as round-off error for a calculation), producing complicated results.

           Fractal Dimensions are used to measure the complexity of objects. We now have ways of measuring things that were traditionally meaningless or impossible to measure.

           Finally, Fractal research is a fairly new field of interest. Thanks to computers, we can now generate and decode fractals with graphical representations. One of the hot areas of research today seems to be Fractal Image Compression. Many web sites devote themselves to discussions of it. The main disadvantage with Fractal Image Compression and Fractals in general is the computational power needed to encode and at times decode them. As personal computers become faster, we may begin to see mainstream programs that will fractally compress images.


            An object is self-similar only if you can break the object down into an arbitrary number of small pieces, and each of those pieces is a replica of the entire structure. Some examples of self-similarity follow. The red outlining indicates a few of the self-similarities of the object.


Below are some examples of "classic" fractals.

Fractal Dimension

             Everyone knows the dimension of a line, a square, and a cube. They are one, two, and three respectively. And, we can measure the distance, area, and volume of those objects as well. However, what is the dimension of the inside of a kidney or the brain, and how do we measure their surface area? How about a piece of brocolli or cauliflower? This is where fractal dimension can help us out. Fractal Dimension allows us to measure the complexity of an object.The classic example of this is trying to measure the coastline of Great Britain . In actuality, it is impossible to precisely measure the length of the coastline. The tide is always coming in or going out which means that the coastline itself is constantly changing. Therefore, any ordinary measurement is meaningless.

             Before explaining dimension measuring algorithms, we must explain how a power law works. Essentially, data behave with a power law relationship if they fit the following equation: y=c*x^d where c is a constant. One way to determine if data fit a power law relationship is to plot the log(y) versus the log(x). If the plot is a straight line, then it is a power law relationship with slope d.It turns out that the methods we are going to discuss for measuring fractal dimension rely heavily on the power law.

Self-Similarity Dimension

          To Measure the Self-Similar Dimension, the picture must be self-similar. The power law holds and in this case is

a = 1/(s^D)

where a is the number of pieces, s is the reduction factor, and D is the self-similar dimension measure.  For example, if a line is broken into three pieces, each is going to be one-third the length of the original. Therefore a=3, s=(1/3), and D=1.

In another example, if a square is broken into four pieces, each side is going to be one-half the original length of the side. Therefore a=4, s=(1/2), and D=2. For the Sierpinski Gasket, the original triangle is cut in half, and there are three pieces. Therefore a=3, s=(1/2), and D=1.5850.

 Box-Counting Dimension

To calculate the box-counting dimension, we need to place the picture on a grid. The x-axis of the grid is s where s=1/(width of the grid). For example, if the grid is 240 blocks tall by 120 blocks wide, s=1/120. Then, count the number of blocks that the picture touches. Label this number N(s). Now, resize the grid and repeat the process. Plot the values found on a graph where the x-axis is the log(s) and the y-axis is the log(N(s)). Draw in the line of best fit and find the slope. The box-counting dimension measure is equal to the slope of that line. The Box-counting dimension is much more widely used than the self-similarity dimension since the box-counting dimension can measure pictures that are not self-similar (and most real-life applications are not self-similar.

Iterated Function Systems

          Note: This page uses animated GIFs. You must use a graphical web browser which supports 89a GIFs. If you would like to view each frame of the animation at your own pace, please click on the animation. Clicking on the animation will link you to another page where each frame will be displayed as its own graphic.

Fractals can be formed using Iterated Function Systems. To begin thinking about the topic, let us consider the Cantor Set.The Cantor Set is formed using the following algorithm:

1.                  Begin with the set [0,1].

2.                  Divide the existing segments into thirds.

3.                  Remove the middle third.

4.                  Go to step #2.

5.                  The picture below should help visualize the process. The solid line at the start of the animation represents the set [0,1]. Each iteration is shown in following frames of the animation. The green highlight indicates the "middle third" which is to be removed. If this process were to be repeated indefinitely, the cantor set would be produced. Obviously, the cantor set cannot be precisely represented with a finite number of pixels on the screen, so a very poor approximation will have to suffice. However, this "poor approximation" will give you a good idea what the cantor set look like (as an uneven spacing of discrete values). Notice how the points tend to cluster. This is one characteristic of the cantor set.

Next, let us focus our attention on the Sierpinski Gasket. As usual, the picture below shows the building of the fractal. We start with an equilateral triangle (although the actual shape does not really matter as we shall see later).  The Sierpinski Gasket can be formed as follows:

1.                  Begin with an equilateral triangle (although, we can begin with any figure as we will see later).

2.                  Divide the triangle into four equal-sized triangles.

3.                  Remove the middle triangle.

4.                  Go to Step #2.

The above method will form a Sierpinski Gasket. However, it is not an Iterated Function System yet. Let us express this as an Iterated Function System.

1.                  Begin with an equilateral triangle (again, this is arbitrary)

2.                  Reduce the image by one-half.

3.                  Make three copies of the reduced image.

4.                  Align them in the shape of an equilateral triangle.

5.                  Translate the top copy to the left above the lower-left copy.

6.                  Go to step #2.

The following is produced by the above iterated function system:

After seeing a few examples, we are now ready to more precisely define an iterated function system. An initial image is transformed by a set of affine transformations (functions) producing a new image. The new image is then transformed by the same affine transformations producing another new image. Thus, each time the image is transformed, an iteration occurs. If the transformation is contractive--that is, the transformation brings points closer together--, then the image will begin to converge. After infinitely many iterations, assuming a contractive transformation, the image will converge to what is called an attractor.

Chaos and Randomness to Generate IFS

            As we have seen from the section on Iterated Function Systems, the Barnsley Fern is impossible to generate by drawing triangles. There are too many triangles to draw and too many transformation to be applied. There must be another way!Instead of using and transforming triangles, let us transform points. It is computationally much easier to draw and transform a point than a triangle. To best describe this, let us use the Sierpinski Gasket as our example again. We begin with an imaginary triangle and label its vertices 1, 2, & 3. Pick a random point. Now, generate a random integer between 1 and 3. The next point is the midpoint between the first point and the generated random number vertex. Continue generating random integers and plotting the midpoints. After a thousand or so iterations, we will see a Sierpinski Gasket!  A more algorithmic approach to this would be

1.      Pick the total number of iterations to perform and call it i.

  1. Set the total number of transformations possible to n.
  2. Label each transformation an integer from 1 to n.
  3. Pick a random point and call it a.
  4. Generate a random integer from 1 to n.
  5. Apply the transition labeled by that random number to a, generating a new point a.
  6. Plot a.
  7. Go to step #5, repeating i timeOther Resources

9.      Here are two books which are very helpful for learning more about fractals:

Peitgen, Heinz-Otto, Hartmut Jurgens & Dietmar Saupe, Chaos and Fractals: New Frontiers of Science, Springer-Verlag , New York , 1992.

Fisher, Yuval, Fractal Image Compression: Theory and Application, Springer-Verlag , New York , 1995.