Tkachenko Stanislav Olegovich
Faculty: Mechanical
Speciality: Metallurgical
Theme of master's work: "A study of the behavior of rolling workshops mechanical equipment during the technical service of the current state."
Leader of work: Sidorov Vladimir Anatolievich
Actuality, purpose and tasks of
The basic task of technical diagnostics is the reception of information about the technical state of object. Measuring and analysis of diagnostic parameters are conducted for this purpose. With the development of this direction and appearance of new technologies some new devices and methods allowing to control operatively different diagnostic parameters were invented. Noise, temperature, vibration, results of visual examination of equipment belong to this group.
Modern production is characterized by the increase of requirements to faultless of metallurgical machines and simultaneous decline of expenses on conducting of repairs and liquidation of emergency refusals. Therefore repairing services of developing enterprises aim to pass from conducting of repairs of equipment according to norms as for technical service on the current state. As the emergency outages of workshops cause the enormous financial losses, and conducting the repairs according to the norms of mechanisms detail the resource is not often produced fully, the offered type of service is the most rational. However it supposes the timely receipt and data processing about current actual status of equipment. Authenticity the obtained information depends not only on quality of parameter measuring and in a greater degree on the quality of the analysis made on the basis of diagnostic model. Determination of terms of equipment refusal is the primary purpose of this model, they define terms of repairs of the equipment.
A problem consists in the fact that metallurgical equipment and working, in particular, has different constructions, terms and hours. Therefore, now, there is no single methodological approach to the decision of this task, which is possible to apply to all mechanisms. Raising of task of these questions solutions determines the actuality of such work.
The main line of drive of rolling stand mill 350 in the rolling workshop is the central object of the research.
The main purpose of this work is to develop a single method allowing on the basis of great number of the received diagnostic parameters to conclude about current technical status of rolling workshops equipment.
This purpose is achieved by the solution of the following tasks:
1) study of estimation methods of technical state of metallurgical equipment and choice of informational diagnostic parameters;
2) determination of damages and types of refusals of rolling specific equipment;
3) the analysis of the repairs conducted on the drive of main line of rolling mill 350 in the rolling workshop;
4) Finding out of different types of repair influences upon technical state of equipment.
Supposed scientific novelty
Researches within the frameworks of my master's degree work involves theoretical suppositions which is possible in subsequent to apply in practice. My researches are related to development of single method of current technical status determination of metallurgical equipment in the rolling workshops, on the basis of existent facilities of the technical diagnostics and methods of control of diagnostic parameters. A novelty is related to the fact that nowadays at technical service on the current state there is no clear determinations about terms and types of repair influences.
Planned practical result
Transition to the system of metallurgical equipment service on current technical status is high-quality new level of repair service of enterprise. At first, the number of abrupt ends of equipment, which entail not only expenses on the removal of refusals but also considerable profit losses, decrease, secondly, replacement of details at repairs is carried out, when old ones are practically fully worked the is resource, that also leads to the considerable decline of expenses of repair service. In addition, both the culture of production and quality of products rises, and the decline of expenses results in diminishment of its prime price. All of it positively results in competitiveness, stability and prestige of enterprise.