I am Tkachenko Stanislav Olegovich. I was born on November, 6th, 1985 in Gorlovka, the city of Donetsk region. My father worked on mine, and mother at that time studied on evening branch in Donetsk Polytechnical institute and worked as the master at a bicycle factory. That is why, at early age, basically, the grandmother was engaged in my education.
In 1988 our family moved to live to Donetsk – capital of miner's region. And in a year on May, 28th, 1989 my younger brother Igor was born. So, for four years I hade to take care of him. In 1991 we moved to more comfortable apartment in other district of Donetsk. And in 1992 I entered to the first form of comprehensive school ¹69. I studied with "excellent" marks there. I took part in regional competitions in many subjects, but my best results I had at chemistry and mathematics. I participated in various out-of-school activities: festivals, reviews, competitions.
I was interested in different sport activities practically from first days of study. At the beginning it was the section of swimming at school, and then I became an athlete track and field athletics, even tried myself in sport ball dances. And in the seventh form a friend has led me sports school to the trainer on pole vaults. I also devoted six years of a life to this kind of sports. It helped me to develop set of personal qualities which I consider positive. And I received a rank of the candidate for the master of sports.
In 2002 I left school and received the certificate with distinction and a gold medal. In same year I entered a mechanical faculty of Donetsk National Technical university, a speciality «Metallurgical equipment». From the second year I started to receive the second higher education on a speciality «Management of organizations». I graduated from the Military department at university and received a rank of the lieutenant of Armed forces of Ukraine in reserve.
In 2006 I received the bachelor's degree with distinction on a speciality «Metallurgical equipment» on the basis of which I continued my education in a magistracy.
In 2007 I received the bachelor's degree on a speciality «Management of organizations» and also continued education.
At my free time I worked as a mechanic at a factory of refrigerating and freezing equipment "NORD", as a mechanic on a Donetsk metal works «ISTEEL», and also as a promoter on various advertising actions.
As for my personal hobbies I am interested in music a little, I try to find time for playing sports but yet not professionally.