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Electrotehnical Faculty

Theme of master's work:   «Research of electric behaviours of electric starters in gascompressor units »

Leader of work:       associate professor Victor Chursinov






Individual task


Gas-transfering industry has the major value for Ukraine, because, above all things, it guarantees national power safety.

The modes of electrical equipment have an influence on quality of electric power. Including work of electric starters of gascompressor units (GCU) in a network to a 220/380 V. device operating failure of electric starters in a network there are voltage fluctuation and voltage deviation, which worsen power quality and have negative influence on human being. So the given research is actual for practice.

In planning of voltage deviation is determined on a half-hourly maximum. But one-minute voltage deviation are standardized in [1] GOST 13109-97. Voltage fluctuation is usually estimated by a approximate method from GOST 13109-97 on the amplitude of vibrations. However, the fliker dose of voltage is the universal characteristic of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). That’s why the analysis of one-minute voltage deviation and the fliker dose has scientific topicality.

Such tasks are accomplished in work:
  • Research of the diagram of the electric loadings of starters of a different power;
  • Analysis of one-minute voltage deviation during work of one or groups of starters;
  • Estimation of the electromagnetic compatibility of electric starters and network on the fliker dose of voltage.

Description over and setting of gascompressor units over and description of the electromagnetic compatibility characteristics is covered in the first section of master's work. Description of device for measuring of the specifications of quantity of flicker (flickermeter), intended for designation of correct level of flicker as it applies to descriptions of change of voltage meeting in practice, will also be given.

The graphs of loadings of electric starters and indexes of electromagnetic compatibility on voltage deviation are explored in the second section. The availability of rapid change of power is the feature of these graphs.

There will be the over taken account of graphs of losses of voltage at the supply of gascompressor units from the transformers of a different nominal power on the graphs of loading. On these graphs by the method one-minute averaging one-minute voltage deviation will be certain. Also voltage deviation will be taken account through an effective current (how it often meets in project practice). The results of both calculations will be confronted and conclusions that calculations in project practice are wrong are done. Evaluate that the requirements on voltage deviation are setting too low.

In the third section of master's work voltage fluctuation are estimated on an approximate method from GOST 13109-97. Description over of this method is also brought.

For the calculation of flicker doses of voltage the method of partial reactions is used. Flikermodel is made for an electric starter. The transfer function of weighing filter (link designing the reaction of brain of human on the change of illumination) describes the system of 4th order, that is very difficult for finding of decision. In work it is suggested to replace the such difficult system for the group simplest elements – by RC- circuits and at once get the periodic decision for the reaction of weighing filter. After that there will be taken account of the flicker doses of voltage, necessary for estimation of electromagnetic compatibility.

In conclusion of master's work the conclusions on electromagnetic compatibility of electric starters with a network will be done, on voltage fluctuation and voltage deviation. Also estimation of error of calculation of vibrations of tension will be given on an approximate method from GOST 13109-97.

The given research has the further prospects of development, because most phenomena deteriorative quality of electric energy take place in connection with the features of joint work of electro-receivers and electric network.

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