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Магистр ДонНТУ Cукиасян Вардан Сергеевич

Vardan Sergeevich Sukiasyan

Faculty: Electrical engineering

Speciality: Electromechanics systems of automation and ekectrical drive

Theme of master's work: Development of effective system of maintenance in an efficient condition of the main pipelines by means of systems of the adjustable electric drive for swapping oil and gas

Leader of work: Borysenko V.P.

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Practically all pipes are subject to corrosion, irrespective of their place depth, the isolation, a transported material. Complexity and an originality of course of process of corrosion of underground metal pipelines are caused by special conditions of the underground environment where cooperate an atmosphere, biosphere, litosphere and hydrosphere. Underground pipelines are subject to influence of the big number of changing chemical, physical and biological factors. Set of influence of these variable factors also defines corrosive attack of environment to underground metal constructions. Corrosion can be shown even at early operation phases of pipelines. In this connection struggle against corrosion is very important element of operation of the pipeline. Protection of the main pipelines against corrosion - the mortgage of their safe operation and work. There are two ways of protection of pipelines from corrosion: passive and active. Passive ways of protection assume creation of the impenetrable barrier separating the protected surface of metal from an excited environment, and active (electrochemical) - such change of conditions of corrosion on a protected surface of metal at which suppresses or is considerably slowed down process of dissolution. Our problem is not particularly protection of pipelines against corrosion, and maintenance of pressure of a transported liquid at a demanded level means of the electric drive at corrosion of pipes that will lower probability of occurrence of an emergency. Consequences of failure on the main pipelines can be the heaviest, outflow of oil, explosion of gas will lead improbable technogenic catastrophe On a site of the pipeline where it is fixed refine of walls of a pipe, it is necessary to reduce pressure to not admit an emergency which result can become ecological accidents. Reducing pressure, we reduce loading by walls of a pipe. In most cases, at designing pump stations, apply the noncontrollable electric drive on the basis of the asynchronous engine with a short-circuited rotor. For the decision of problems with pressure decline on walls of the pipeline we offer to feed driving engine of an alternating current from the converter of frequency. In this case, we shall consider regulation of frequency of rotation downwards from the basic speed on 10-15 %. Thus, productivity will be practically at a former level (will decrease no more than for 5-7 %). Decrease in frequency of rotation at « ventilator character » loading on 10-15 % will allow to work more economically due to decrease in power consumption. The economy will make 28-38 %. Presently acceptance of measures on pressure decrease on the damaged sites is necessary. First of all, it is connected with deterioration of pipes, average which term of operation exceeds 15-20 years. Pressure decrease on problem sites also will allow to not stop transportation of materials on a pipe that reduces economic losses. Decrease in loading on walls of a pipe will allow to not spend some time its replacement, that in conditions of the Ukrainian economy very actually. Replacement of pipes - very expensive action. It is assured, that to a question of maintenance of pressure at a demanded level at corrosion of pipes, the big attention is necessary: to develop new systems of the electric drive, preventive actions.

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