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Donetsk National Technical University Vishnev Timur

Vishnev Timur

Electrical engineering

Speciality: Electromechanical systems of automation and electrical drive

Leader of work: Shymyatskiy V.M.


Theme of master's work: «The research of modes of operations of direct frequency transformer»

Actuality of theme
From the moment of appearance of electrical drive (ED) of alternating current as well as ED of constant current one of major questions is a question of adjusting of frequency of its rotation. At present there is stormy development of semiconductor transformer technique, which in its turn enables to apply the new methods of decision of this question.
At present the drive of direct current is widely used in industry, and also system of adjusting of their speed on the basis of tiristor transformers of voltage (TTV). However there is a question of replacement of such systems of adjusting of speed on the systems, in basis of which an asynchronous engine lies. It is urgent. Such systems consist of transformer of frequency (TF) and asynchronous engine (AE). They allow to get more deep adjusting of speed, i.e. to increase an adjusting range.
In its turn TF is divided into 2 groups: with the link of direct current and direct (DTF). The transformers of frequency with the link of direct current allow to regulate frequency of feeding voltage in the range (0-2*fc) Hertz, where fc is industrial frequency of 50 Hertz. Such range of adjusting gives this group of transformers advantage above DTF, because the last ones support the nominal loading in the range (0-fc/2) Hertz. However the defect of TF with the link of direct current is a presence of rectifier and inverter, at the expense of that the double transformation of energy takes place, which results in lowering of coefficient of efficiency (CE) of the system on its basis. DTF in its turn differs with simplicity of design that allows the system on its basis to have CE higher than at the system on the basis of TF with the link of direct current.
It follows from aforesaid, that the development of methods and ways which will allow to replace the TF-AE system on the DTF-AE systems.

Diagrams of: a) DTF; b) TF with the link of direct current

Aims and tasks of research
The aim of the work is development of the system of feed of AE, which consists of static electromagnetic transformer (SEMT) and DTF. This system in a prospect will allow to replace the systems with the use of TF with the link of direct current and to extend the range of output working frequencies of DTF.

Flow diagram of improvement of DTF

Tasks, formulated for achievement of the aim:
1. To consider the theoretical questions of design and range of the use of DTF.
2. To develop mathematical model of feed of AE from DTF.
3. To represent the diagrams of work of mathematical model at output frequency of 25 Hertz.
4. To show adequacy of the obtained results to the real descriptions.
5. To consider the variant of feed of AE from the matrix transformer of frequency.
6. To develop mathematical model of the key, which in future will allow to create the mathematical model of matrix transformer of frequency for research in the real modes of work.

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