Theme: Exploration process of degradation of engineering systems at their maintenance
The purpose: Development of a design procedure of process of degradation
The object: the Subject of inquiry are processes of degradation of the technological object
Performance: At a phase of maintenance of the technological object there are modifications of its properties (chemical, mechanical, physical) - this process is named degradation of the engineering object.
Urgency: the problem Urgency consists that more often these modifications happen towards a decline of properties of the engineering object. Therefore it is necessary to research process of degradation last for the purpose of detection of a criticality of the object and adoption of standards on emergency access preventing out of operation.
In Ukraine extremely the low level of support of engineering safety of productions and production engineering has originated because of progressing ageing of funds, slow rates of redesign of productions, upgrade of technique and production engineering, an irregularity of counting losses of design developments, lack of instruments of BALES, automation and a protective equipment,
The important engineering task is ability to size up outcome of possible impacts on the concrete object and to take measures on preventing of dangerous aftereffects.
The browse and the assaying of existing procedures of a solution of a problem:
For a solution of a problem it is necessary to select a method. The main methods of safety, a reliability index of the technological object (a probability of survival during a certain time, a medial operating time to first failure, a time to failure, failure rate, failure rate, a failure rate, availability function, availability have been observed.) and as qualitative and quantitative approaches of an estimation of hazard are observed.
Exploration statement of problem: Having analyzed existing solution techniques of a problem the main demands shown to a method are formulated:
• the Method should be scientifically justified and match to observed perils;
• the Method should raise reliability;
• the Method should be iterated and mustered.
In a consequence with it we will use a system approach, i.e. the technological object we will observe as system consisting of units with their interconnections.
Task solution:
Changeable parametres of system of its units and links will be inspected by diagnostic (gaugings) through a certain time with the subsequent data storage. For some models it is possible to do without samplings, and the necessary parametres to take from the graph, thus gaugings to spend once a year at reconditioning comparing operation of a model with the real construction. For evident mapping of degradation of the object the graph «spider CIS» in whom on axiss it is put aside values of changeable parametres of the object in a percent relation in comparison with an initial state is used.
Model implementation:
The instrument for task solution selects structure "client-server" which ensures a data handling on a server, as data storage with DBMS usage, and review of outcomes in the interactive environment.
Outcomes: it is at present made by a DB, the working program which allows to access from a DB is written, the unit implementing build-up of a tree of hierarchy on data stored in DB is written, the unit which calculates a degree of degradation and mapping last in a graphic presentation and in the form of gauges with the appropriate colour graphic palette of GOST marking out a change of state of the object of system, or all system as a whole. The unit is connected, allowing to view the graph in three-dimensional mapping.
Practical outputs and guidelines:
Graphs of reconditionings of the process equipment will be volplaned from congestion which will be plotted by the computer, leaning not from graphs PPR. The sentence of concrete guidelines, for example, possible substitution of materials, a modification of an exactitude of interfaced constructions substitution of sorts of lubricating stuffs, etc.
The following step in system development volplanes DB filling-up with the real equipment from workshop drawings, modify structure of the interface of the program, writing of the unit, allowing to track a change of state of links in system.