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Sazanova Irina IgorevnaFaculty: Ecology and chemical tecnologiesSpeciality: Ecology in chemical techologiesSubject of the working the master:Development of measures for averting of endogenous fires under the conditions of mineScientific leader: Panasenko Anatoliy Ivanovich
Realization of mechanisms of the KYoto report
in Donetsk area
Donetsk national technical university
One of acute problems of the is the global warming a climate caused by so-called "hotbed effect" which arises owing to increase in concentration in an atmosphere CO2, CH4,N2O. It is fixed, that for last 100 years the average temperature of the Earth has increased on 0,8 0Ñ. Consequences of such climatic changes can be serious: there will be a deficiency of fresh water and fish resources, the areas of woods will be reduced, there will be a desertification and çàñîëåíèå fertile soils. The further increase of a level of World ocean owing to thawing glaciers (for last century its level has raisedon 10 sm) will lead to to flooding of the most part of territory of such countries, as Bangladesh and Netherlands, all delta of Nile, Maldive islands, etc.
In western, northern and central areas of Ukraine warming of a climate will lead to sharp pressure differences that becomes the reason of increase in frequency of occurrence of gale-force winds, the plentiful deposits accompanying with high waters. East and southern areas of Ukraine will mainly be in a zone of a high pressure that will lead to achievement of record-breaking high temperatures.
In order to prevent the above-stated negative consequences it is necessary to arrange on stabilization of emissions of hotbed gases.
The tool of their stabilization is report 1997, accepted by the international community Kiotsky Ukraine has signed it on March, 15, 1999, and on February, 4, 2004 – ratified. Obligations of Ukraine as sides Kiotskogo of the report – during 5 years (2008) to not exceed volume of emissions of hotbed gases of a level of 1990. achieve it it is possible by the economic mechanisms of the international Kyoto report : trade in quotas on emissions, mechanisms of pure(clean) development and projects of joint realization.
For Ukraine now the unique way of realization of " flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto report there are projects of joint realization (Ukraine is included in the appendix 1RKIK and cannot act as the accepting side in projects of the mechanism of clean development, and for trade in quotas the home market is not generated yet). On Donetsk area the fifth part of industrial potential of Ukraine that provides a plenty of polluting substances in atmospheric air is necessary – in 2005 it has made about 1640 thousand t. (or 36,8 % from ukrainian emissions), including and hotbed gases - for example,CH4 have been thrown out in atmospheric air about 500 thousand ò. Therefore in territory of Ukraine there is a good prospect of introduction of projects of joint realization on such directions, as recycling of mine metane, modernization of the equipment at the enterprise the metallurgical and chemical industry, reconstruction of municipal systems of a heat supply, gathering and recycling of emissions of metane on ranges TBO, an afforestation, introduction of alternative energy sources, etc.
The most reliable for investors a method of an investment of means is leasing the equipment (the leasing company buys the equipment for the enterprise under the guarantees, receives from the investor of means for realization of the project, guarantees or to it the refund, or quotas, and with the enterprise distributes (profit on the basis of the contract about joint activity).
In Donetsk area projects of joint realization are already realized: replacement of the equipment by Joint-Stock Company " MMZ" " ISTIL", construction cogeneration installations on mine named after Zasyadko. The project of joint realization on Joint-Stock Company "MMZ" " ISTIL", includes the following steps of modernization of the equipment: replacement of the oven transformer, installation of a steam and gas generator, construction of the oxygen block and automation of heating of ingots. As a result of realization of the given project reduction in emissions, (scheduled volumes of reduction in emissions are resulted in the table).
The table - Scheduled volumes of (reduction) in emissions on Joint-Stock Company “MMZ" " ISTIL",
The name of action |
Emissions ÑÎ2 after introduction, one thousand t. |
Base emissions ÑÎ2, one thousand t. |
Reduction in emissions ÑÎ2, one thousand t. |
Replacement of the oven transformer |
2050 |
2158 |
108 |
Installation of a steam and gas generator |
32 |
136 |
104 |
Construction of the oxygen block |
422 |
559 |
137 |
Automation of heating of ingots |
275 |
365 |
90 |
Total |
2779 |
3218 |
439 |
The project on mine named after Zasyadko it is realized company "Sinapsis". The project provides installation 22 cogeneration modules with a designed capacity 36,4 ÌVò electric and 35 ÌVò thermal energy. Expected reduction of emissions of mine metane as a result of realization of the project till 2012 will make near 15 mln.t. In an equivalent CO2.
Projects of joint realization are a comprehensible source of cheap investments for realization ýíåðãîñáåðåãàþùèõ projects and modernization of manufacture so necessary for metallurgical and mining branch of Donetsk area, and also chemical manufactures, therefore their quantity(amount) increases. This year 4 projects have met with final approval of the Ministry of protection of the surrounding natural environment of Ukraine, 43 more projects – preliminary approval.
Thus, realization of the given projects will allow to lower considerably emissions of hotbed gases, to lower power consumption of economy, to modernize manufacture that will promote improvement of the general ecological situation in region and will be the additional factor of stimulation of its economic development.