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Rudenko Tatiana

Rudenko Tatiana

Speciality: "Management of innovation's activity "
The name of master's work: "Improvement system of planning results innovation's of activity"
The supervisor: The senior lecturer, the candidate of economic sciences Shilova Larisa



My Mum - Rudenko Lidiya, was born on September 12, 1958, has received maximum formation(education) in sphere of mathematical sciences. The main expert in Management of Pension fund of city of Donetsk, works with the science officers, deputies, inspectors etc. Father - Rudenko Sergey, it is all that I know about him.

My life began in city Donetsk of April 10, 1986 approximately at 21:50. All doctors spoke, that there will be a boy, but as their disappointment was great when they have understood, that my mum was right, when spoke that there will be only girl. The father was upset having learned, that not the boy and that was born that the mum does not agree to a name Vladislava in any way. The mum madly wanted Nataly, but the grandmother has insisted on Tatiana. With disputes and shouts me all the same have named Taney, for what is very grateful. When to me there were 2 months the mum left from the father because of all of the same problem connected with "a «wrong" child. We has moved to the grandmother. But grandmother I even approximately do not remember, as in the summer in 1987 she has died because of the incorrectly put diagnosis of the doctors. The mum has remained one, and to work it was necessary, therefore in a garden I have got very much early. In a children's garden I was bad girl: dumped meal under a table, broke furniture, selected toys, did not give anybody to sleep on sleepy hour, beat the boys... For all time carried out in children's garden dreamed to become not the ballerina and as it is not ridiculous - killer.

In 5 the mum years has brought to me a puppy. It was one of most my happy moments of my life. I remember it as now, as the mum comes in an apartment holding something in hands, having slightly opened her hands I have seen there something red and fluffy. It was English koker-spaniel, which became my best friend. In younger age I was hell-girl, all childhood I have carried out with boys on trees, in cellars, in ambushes with guns ... The all this time me was accompanied with mine Reychik (dog).

School years.

I have gone to school in 1993. It was easy to me to join a class, since the most part of children were with me in children's garden. At school I did not change the positions bad-girl and the mum has decided to cause in me something maiden and has sent on dances. I very much did not like also I them has thrown, having decided, that this sports not for me. All years part of childhood I have lead in children's camps, which simply adored. In all camps was lovely girl for constant active participation in all concerts, measures, circles, therefore closed eyes on mine . I studied well until yet has not found "my" sport. In 13 I years has gone on THEKWONDO, the mum was in a shock, but hoped that it not for a long time. The sport for me were everything, I have deserted study, has lost the friends and regularly could not find general language with the mum. I have devoted to this not "to the «maiden" sports 4 years, for which me have learned to be stronger, is more hardy and more purposefully. And these qualities were not only in the physical plan, but also in many respects psychological. Sports I have thrown from - ce strong constant traumas and long depression, which has appeared on a background that that I became loser in a class, of me were afraid and tried to not communicate because of my aggression. A unique sports joy became a basketball team, in which I constant participation in all school measure (dances, singing, drawing, verses). The unique friend there was a dog, with the parents the eternal conflicts, the people do not understand - how here to be pleased. In that time I began to write verses, them was very much, but they were written so « not alive » by the man, that becomes now terrible. This "great" depression made me very strong. At one of silly attempts I have understood, that is necessary to live further, it is necessary to vary itself and world too to change. And it has turned out, after very heavy of the moment I became open and has got very many friends, has engaged in study and preparation for receipt. The result has stunned me: I could not have time(be in time) on all meetings where me invited, school has finished good-girl and has acted in AiiIOO on the budget on a speciality "finance".


The university life it is valid a fairy tale, so there are a lot of interesting people, it is so much all new, pair, teachers, students. I am proud named itself student. From the first rate began to take a great interest in so various interests: drawing, amateur large tennis, knitting, sewing, rollers, sports and east dances, break-dance etc. On the third rate there was a largest loss in my life - at me mine has died my dog, I never thought, that it can be so sick, I again began to become isolated in myself and two months practically with anybody did not communicate. But the life has proceeded and the university speeding by a flow of energy, constant dialogue and taxes likely one of the most remembered moments has helped with it. On the fourth rate I have decided on change of a speciality. I became already on a speciality « Management of innovation's activity », where I was struck with the non-standard approach of the teachers and preparation us to the world of business and work. Here I have got huge experience in dialogue with the people, has got many skills and knowledge.

By virtue of the temperament and ambitions of aspirations I have a lot of, for the beginning I shall try to receive still as a minimum 2 maximum educations (politologiya and PR). And I hope for the future on stunning success, which I expect to achieve itself, not relying on anybody except for the knowledge and forces.

© DSTU 2008 Rudenko Tatiana


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