![]() | Dubinin Michael | ![]() | ||||||
Power-Mechanics and Automation
| Speciality: Power mechanic complexes | | ![]() | Theme of master's work:DEVELOPMENT OF CLEANING FACILITIES OF MINE CAPACITIES | Head: Jacenko Aleksandr Feodorovich | | ![]()
Abstract |
English article
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BiographyI was born on January 25th 1986 in Donetsk city exactly in the Tat'yana’s day (also it is unofficial students day and V. S. Vysotskiy birthday), and after short meditations, "and how do we name him?! :)", I was named like my grandfather was - Michael. My dad - Dubinin Valery, were finished Donetsk Polytechnic Institute in 1972, specialty "Mining Power Mechanic" therefore when the problem appeared which university to enter we decided that it will be - Don NTU - Mining Power Mechanic. In childhood I was a quiet child and I didn’t cause any trouble to my parents. I behaved myself as all children - L played, fought for toys and etc. And even in childhood mechanic designers were favourite toys. My parents spent a lot of their time bringing me up and educating me and when the time came to go to school I was diligent boy :) I was very good at studies in primary school, but my family had to change a place of residence few times, so there was a problem of changing school and teachers. I didn't receive excellent marks, but doesen't mean that I was not succesful. It was easy for me to study at school and make progress. I took part in contestsat school in the field of Russian language and literature, and my results impressed my teacher greatly. But I was seriously interesed in exact scinces - phisics, algebra, geometry. And the most favourite sobject probably was “Pre-conscription Preparation of Boys”, our team took part in a few competitions which from in 2 we took prize places. And just go to play in a table tennis in our trainer cabinet, which often took us off from lessons on training, to me was better than siting on the lesson of history which, as I understood on final examinations, I knew not so bad :) I and my parents started thinking about choice of university when I studied in 10th form. There were three basic institutes from which in the total was chosen Donetsk National Technical University, and somewhere in october 2002 I went on preparatory courses on mathematics and Ukrainian Language, and then in february already passing my entering tests I was entered in Don NTU. Studying already on the first semester of the first year in an university I was very afraid of the first session, special the last examination on descriptive geometry which passed on 5 and unexpectedly for myself continued to get a grant. Then I understood that studying at university is not so difficult :). And on expiration of four years, in June 2007 I received Bachelor's degree and decided to enter masters course. Now I work as engineer in M.M. Fedorova Scientific Researching Institute Mining Mechanics, at the Department of Lifting Equipment. About plans on the future I prefer not to announce |