Косинова Елена Александровна

Факультет: Геотехнологии и управление производством

Специальность: Экология и охрана окружающей природной среды

Тема выпускной работы: «Усовершенствование технологии извлечения метана в условиях шахты им. А. А. Скочинского»

Руководитель: кандидат технических наук, профессор кафедры экологии и природоохранной деятельности

Артамонов Владимир Николаевич

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Email: lenusja0786@mail.ru 437-296-341

Underground Coal Mine Methane Recovery and Use Opportunities

Coal Mines, September 2006

   Methane is both the primary constituent of natural gas and a potent greenhouse gas when released to the atmosphere. Reducing emissions can yield substantial economic and environmental benefits. The implementation of available cost-effective methane emission reduction opportunities in the coal industry can lead to improved mine safety, greater mine productivity, and increased revenues. The Methane to Markets Partnership is building international alliances to promote methane recovery and use projects at underground coalmines throughout the world.


   Methane is produced from underground and surface mines, and as a result of post-mining activities including coal processing, storage, and transportation. Underground mines are the single largest source of coal mine methane (CMM) emissions in most countries. Globally, CMM accounts for 6 percent of total methane emissions resulting from human activities. In 2005, estimated worldwide CMM emissions totaled nearly 400 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MMTCO2E), or about 30 billion cubic meters (BCM). By 2020, the world’s coal mines are expected to produce annual emissions of 450 MMTCO2E (40 BCM).


   At active underground mines, methane must be removed from underground operations for safety reasons. This is done with large-scale ventilation systems that move massive quantities of air through the mines. These ventilation systems keep mines safe, but also release large amounts of methane at very low concentrations. At some active and abandoned mines, methane is also produced from degasification systems (also commonly referred to as gas drainage systems) that employ vertical and/or horizontal wells to recover methane.

   There are a variety of profitable uses for CMM, and the optimal use at a given location is dependent on factors such as the quality of methane, the availability of end-use options, and project economics. The range of CMM projects includes natural gas pipeline injection, electric power production, co-firing in boilers, district heating, mine heating, coal drying, vehicle fuel, flaring, and manufacturing/industrial uses such as feedstock for carbon black, methanol, and dimethyl ether production. For the very-low-concentration methane in mine ventilation air, technological development has progressed to the point that this CMM source can be oxidized and the resulting thermal energy can be used to produce heat, electricity, and refrigeration.


   To develop successful projects, one must address a range of issues from project concept through installation and operation. Successful projects require a thorough methane resource assessment and gas liberation analysis, effective integration of mine degasification and utilization with mining operations, and a ready market for the methane. Although there has been substantial progress in implementing CMM projects in recent years, project developers face a range of technical, economic, and institutional issues that impede further progress. Important issues include:

   Recognizing that methane is a commodity with a practical and profitable use rather than a nuisance and a safety hazard

   Ensuring that coal mines and project developers have access to modern methane drainage and use appropriate technologies and training to make use of this valuable resource

   Establishing an appropriate mechanism for the collection and dissemination of credible and unbiased data, including technical and market information

   Providing access to capital markets

   The Methane to Markets Partnership brings the collective resources and experience of partners together to facilitate technology transfer and demonstration, policy support, capacity building and market development necessary to realize implementation of these projects, and further reductions in CMM emissions. By focusing international expertise and resources, the Partnership will work to:

   of emission reduction opportunities and the value of the recovered methane.

   Advance technology transfer to ensure the broad adoption of emission reduction technologies and management practices

   Improve and facilitate access to capital to support project

   Engage all facets of the coal industry to improve awareness investment

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