1.Chernyakova Anastasia, Yermakova Victoria. Neutralization harmful gas emissions by remaking of drawned-out mine methane.// Collection of the reportes VI International scientific post-graduate student's and student's conference "Environment protection and rational using of nature resources". - Donetsk: DonNTU, 2007.
In this article offers the method of burning drawned-out mine methane.
Methane is one of the basic hothouse gases, which able to keep warm in atmosphere twenty one times more then carbonic acid (gas) during the century. Burning mine methane in steam-boiler furnace is the simplest way of its utilization. Mine methane burners installes in the steam-boiler furnace accordingly to possible combined burning of gas (mine methane) and solid fuel (for example, breeze) in case of methane deficit.
2.Chernyakova Anastasia Choice of the leadership style.// Thesises of the reportes VI Ukrainian scientific student's conference "Actual questions of management". - Donetsk: DonNTU, 2007.
Company leadership is an art. Manager of any collective needs professionalism, intellect and some experience. Often before the leader of even the smallest company, which consist of a few people, it's facing a question of choice leadership style. Examined all existent styles of leadership we can deduction that situation leadership is most optimal style. Manager changes his leadership style according to the person he working with and according to concrete situation.