Perfecting of the fuel burning technology leads to lowering of fuel consumption and improves boilers operation effectiveness.
Currently in the boiler-rooms, which serves at municipal objects of Donetsk, are equipped with steal boilers НИИСТУ-5, which were established in 1950-1960. Although boiler’s passport efficiency value is 85%, its real value doesn’t override 70%. Boiler’s operation is not effective, that’s why boiler-rooms management offers to change it with new modern boiler. But this measure is connected with considerable investments.
This situation is confirmed with results of instrumental and documental audits these boiler-rooms.
The object of my work is perfection of the fuel burning technology. I offer new construction of modular gas burner to improve carburetion and lowering chemical underfire of fuel. It was supplied application to patent useful model.
Perfecting of the fuel burning technology allows to lower unit consumption of fuel, to raise efficiency of boiler and lower harmful emissions.
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