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"Ways of improvement in quality of pig-iron molten grinding bodies" Nepochatov А.V., Gyk V.L., Tujahov А.I., Baranov D.А., Yarmolenko А.I., Kasutina Т.G.

Article is published in the collection Mechanical engineering and technosphere ХХІ века // The collector of works ХІV the international scientific and technical conference in Sevastopol, 17-22 september, 2007 in 5 volumes. - Donetsk: DonNТU, 2007.V.3. - 312p.


The results of theoretical and experimental investigations of liquid cast iron crystallizations on conveyer - kokil machine are presented and recommendations as for cooling regime that allows inner structure changing and improving of milling bodies exploitation characteristics are given.

Full text of the article is in Russian
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