Masters page of DonNTU

Faculty  phisics-metallurgical   (FMF)


Resume     Article    

Nechepurenko Zoya

Speciality:  Applied material sains sience 


Theme of master's work: "Research of structural changes during plastic deformation of brass for development of the optimum mode of deformation".

Leader of work: accoiate Professor Pashunsky Vladimir Victorovich




The purpose of work is a study of phase composition and deformability of brass with high content of lead. Researches were conducted on brass, melted in the conditions of the «Artemovsk factory on treatment of the coloured metals» Ltd (AZOCM). For research took away the pressed semiproduct of brass. In production terms these semiproduct are exposed to the subsequent cold drawing with the intermediate annealing. Chemical composition of the probed brass is resulted in a table 1.


Table 1 - Chemical composition of brass of type of LC 59-1, %
Cu Pb FeSnSiMnAlNiZn
57-60 2,7-2,80,25-0,300,10-0,150,002-0,0050,01-0,020,02-0,040,07-0,138-40

On the selected samples metallography and X-ray-structure analysis are conducted. Structures took off on a digital chamber at a magnification 250 (picture 1). A metallography analysis was conducted by the program ImageTool. X-ray-structure analysis was conducted on the x-ray photography device of DRON-3 in a Fe-radiation with the record of diagram.




Picture 1 - Microstructure of brass, х 250


After a study of structures was establihed that it is dual-phase where α-phase (light phase) and α+β´ is presented (dark phase). It corresponds the equlibrium diagram with an amendment on lead.


As rods is exposed to the cold drawing present interest estimation of resistance deformation of high-leaden brass. For this purpose we reconstructed the diagram of tension. An approximating equalization of curve of tension for the high-leaden brass of CuZn39Pb3 was showed out.


The experimentally got diagram of tension (picture 2) was compared with the diagram of the state, presented on a picture 3. defined that character of change of σs from the degree of the accumulated deformation is analogical.


Picture 2 – Deformation resistance of brass of CuZn39Pb3


Picture 3 - Diagrams of tension of brass of L63 and L80 (chart)






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