In my Master’s thesis there is analysis of existent position in decision of energy saving problem for object’s of budget sphere in Donetsk region, present the list of arrangements, that directed on increase of efficacy use of fuel-energy resources in this sphere, there is comparative description of heat supply systems in budget sphere and consider the question of lawful base of energy saving in budget sector. By composition the experimental part of thesis it was used the goods of collaboration of type budget organization objects in Donetsk.
In budget sphere objects there is a problem with economy of fuel-energy resources while in manufacture, transport and use all energy sorts by consumers. Because of this the energy efficacy in this objects can lowering. The analysis display that all financial costs of energy resources consist of heat costs (37%), electric energy costs (49%) and water resources costs (14%) (Page 1).
Page 1 - Cost sharing structure for energy resources on typical objects of budget sphere
The exist heat losses in budget objects is come to 30 – 50 %. They divided on static losses caused by bad thermal insulation of walls, windows, roofs and dynamic losses because of irrational use on daily and seasonal intervals, and also disparity the real consumption to normative indexes.
The general heat losses in buildings of budget organizations consist of losses through the walls (42%), losses with seepage (25%) and losses through the windows (33%) (Page 2).
Page 2 - Structure of total heat losses in buildings of budget organizations
To increase efficacy of using fuel-energy resources by budget organizations it offer to introduction of following arrangements:
- organization of energy management department, dispatching and organization of breakdown service;
- lowering the buildings thermal load by setting radiator attemperators indoors;
- reconstruction and automation of heat-supply systems by reconstruction and equipment of heat points and settings automatic heat load control systems, tuning of hydraulics inside heat-supply system by circulation pumps of inside contour;
- use new kinds of thermal insulation for both basic, auxiliary equipment in boiler-rooms, heat points, heat networks and administrative, educational buildings and dormitories.
In that way, lowering of power inputs in budget organizations can be arrive with the help of maintenance in due condition and all-round development of centralize heating, use a gas in the boiler-rooms as a most rational sort of fuel and interest of energy saving questions by administrative apparatus, finance and energy transportation organizations.