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Repin Yuriy

Faculty: Physical-and-Metallurgical

Speciality: Energy management

Theme of master's work: Analysis and optimization of energy efficacy of budget sphere object's in Donetsk region

Leader of work: c.t.s. docent of chair "Industrial heat-and-power engineering" Popov À.L.


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Comparative analysis of ecological efficiency of heat supply systems

Authors: Repin Yuriy, Boev Yuriy

Thermal energy generation effects upon the nature and human environment. Modern period of mankind development is labeled by economics and ecology. Heat-power engineering is conclusive for region economics and for environmental safety. Also it extremely effects upon our environment and biosphere in the lump. That’s why the ability of basic environmental problems decision is depending on efficient decision of energy problems.

This research paper is devoted to comparison of individual and centralized space heating. Increasing interest to small energetic as an alternative to centralized energy supply give rise to the question of efficacy of individual energy sources in comparison with centralized supply systems.

Autonomous space heating is wide spread occurrence now and in the aggregate with absence of control of this process it can bring to overspecified ecological consequences and big financial expenses for it correction. The specialists opinion is that expedient part of autonomous boiler-houses in cites must come to 10-15 % from potential thermal energy market.

The advantages of autonomous heating are:

1) For final user:

- there is no problem with heat and hot water missing because of technical, organizational and seasonal causes;

- user can determine the size of energy consumption by himself.

2) For construction organizations:

- there is no necessity in expensive heating systems, heat points, apparatuses of thermal energy calculation;

- possibility of house-building in district without developed infrastructure of heat networks.

3) For executive authorities:

- saving funds because of absence of boiler-houses and heat points;

- taking off a problems with calculation and payments for thermal energy - heat and hot water providing is putting from authorities to final user.

By investigation of autonomous heating systems we discover following demerits:

- arrangement apartment with heating boiler inside building designate to presence to a greater or lesser extent specific smell of fuel and its combustion materials;

- it remains possibility of breakdown leaking, elimination of which demands considerable expenses because flow out of toxic chemical liquids is extremely harmful for people in case of its fume inhalation;

- periodical switching of the heating boiler and circulation pump, even with using expensive imported noiseless equipment, create additional noise and vibration;

- during exploitation system effectiveness comes down: chamber, flue, burner cover itself with soot and dust; heat agent flow out the system and partly evaporate, the gas hit in system and create the air-lock.

Basic and most prevalent system at this moment is traditional hot-water heating with centralized hot water feeding or so-called central space heating.

Advantages of using district heating:

- district heating is extremely stable; it makes possible using of different heat supply sources at the same time in the same system;

- possibility of using different sorts of fuel;

- optimal using of such sorts of fuel which have small influence on atmosphere allow to obtain lowering using of fossil fuel that then provides much clear environment.

In this connection it is expedient to introduce following arrangements:

- to prohibit mounting of autonomous heating systems in separate apartments;

- to begin centralized mounting of autonomous heating system in the districts where centralize heating pipes are strongly worn-out and where most people already have turned to autonomous heating

In conclusion we should mark, that spontaneous development of autonomous systems can worse infrastructure of cities that existing during tenth anniversary and bring to its destruction. So it is necessary to provide strong town-planning regulations of this process with simultaneous intense reconstruction of centralize heat supply systems, that allow to shorten thermal loss and regulate ecological situation, putting down the tariff on thermal energy and make in that way construction of autonomous heat sources noncompetitive at many case.

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