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Working out of a quality monitoring and redistribution of video-streams

by Evgeniy Valerievich Aleykin

In this section materials (in my opinion) which will help to understand more deeply mine magistracy work are interested. On the given work practically there are no published books, big part of information can be learned from "Links" section, but those sources which I managed to find - are presented below.

1. The IEEE-1394 tyre short description. [read]


2. Server of slowed down repetitions Оrad Forum. [read]


3. Introduction to DirectShow Application Programming. [read]


4. Digital video. [read]



6. DirectShow System Overview. [read]

DirectShow SDK

7. Live sources. [read]

DirectShow SDK

8. How Hardware Devices Participate in the Filter Graph. [read]

DirectShow SDK

9. Transports. [read]

DirectShow SDK

10. Samples and Allocators. [read]

DirectShow SDK


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