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Укр. Мова
Biography Information about myself A middle mark in the period of teaching in an university was 3,8. Freely I speak the Russian, Ukrainian and English technical languages. I have an experience in area of development of web appendixes, programing 1С, and similarly administration of computer networks. I carry with sport, firing from a sporting weapon, and similarly by the study of foreign languages. Childhood I was born on July, 11, 1986 to Donetsk, Ukraine. Nationality is Ukrainian. In September, 1989 I went out into children garden №356. School To show the special talents in a childgarden I did not have time, so parents in September, 1993 had sent me to school № 78. For the term of 11 years. In this educational establishment I conducted extremely enthrallingly this years, one room made happy me, a lot of new computers stood in which. I professed particular interests to such objects as: mathematics, informatics, physics, chemistry, French English and, and right. Yet to ending of a 11th class I entered in DonNTU, on speciality: "Computers systems and networks" University A lot of forces did not take away the receipt in an university, more of time arerather. I entered on ratings. In the period of study in an university I got much skill, in the field of information technologies which fell behind from years European so on 10 at the best. Such lectures were especially made happy as: political science, religion, philosophy, history, right, Ukrainian, which professionalism of engineer on computers all the same left much to be desired without. I showed the special successes and achievements outside educational time, when was engaged in work. To the word about work, it was desirable to say that this, perhaps, and there is that same, where something can learn and take skills which will be useful in future life. Itinfluenced at choice theme of master's degree work, more detailed you can look in a section Abstract. Supervisor: Barkalov A.A. Plans to the future Concerning plans and aims I will say the following.. In the nearest time I want to get higher education in area of finances, learn German, French. And I will make an effort after everything saying earlyier to protect master's degree work))) |