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Master Gurov V. AntonGurov Anton Vladimirovich

Faculty: Computer facilities and computer science

Speciality: Economic cybernetics

Theme of final work: Synthesis of a dynamic system management model in the economy

Leader: Associate Professor Olga Dmitrieva

GPA: 4.98

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Work in planning, forecasting, marketing. I am interested in research in the areas listed above.



  1. Ltd. "Lagranzh3" (engaged in outdoor advertising), for an engineer-designer - 6 months.
  2. Work at the polling station. (Early elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on October 31, 2007)



  1. In 2003, finished the general school № 67 with a gold medal in the same year, entered DonNTU's Faculty of Computer Engineering and Informatics.
  2. In 2007, graduated with honours bachelor specialty "Economic Cybernetics".
  3. Over 4 years of training acquired practical skills in the work-programme: MathCad, ProjectExpert, Statistica, 1C Company, Sail, Matlab, Matematica, 3D studio MAX, Corel Draw, BPWin, NetView.
  4. At this time, Master specialty "Economic Cybernetics".



IT news, politics (who are not interested in it), business, programming, economics, statistics, English, astronomy, movies, football, basketball, billiards, tennis. I know a lot of interesting and minds of a lot of this catalogue and find subtle paradoxical connection. I want to get to the essence in all.

The dissertation and academic year projects


The most interesting works for me are:

  1. "A comprehensive statistical processing of experimental data" (it was very interesting; from a number of simple data to derive all sorts of useful information)
  2. "Analyzing Ltd." Credit Bank "in the context of macroeconomic process" (with the help of MathCad and ProjectExpert I built a model of the bank, estimated the degree of optimality its parameters, built a model of macroeconomic process and studied its effect on the bank in the future)
  3. "The advertising campaign and the creation of an advertising spot by using 3D studio MAX"

Theme of dissertation:
«Synthesis of a dynamic system management model in the economy»

I think that this topic is very relevant: it is possible to create a model of a dynamic system and use it to avoid losses and mistakes in practice.

Biography|Abstract| Library| References | Report on a search | Individual task

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