E-mail: amanavi@ya.ru
January 27, 1986Languages:
Freely know Russian and Ukranian, know English at a level necessary for reading and correspondence.Skills:
Have skills of work in appendices MS Office, Mathcad Professional, Mathematica, Adobe Photoshop CS3, "1S: Accounting 7.7", "Sail: Enterprise", BPWin.Have experience of sites` development by means of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP.
Have experience of program development on Delphi 7, Turbo Pascal, VBA, MatLab.
Have experience of project development in the environment 3ds max 7, ÌS Project, Project Expert.
Carry with esoterics and psychology, by literature, music, track-and-field, anime and making of verses.BIOGRAPHY
In 1993 I went to the first class of school # 93 names of N. P. Zherdev. There were the new faces, new rules and new impressions. Our first teacher Korenjugina Nina Grigorevna has believed in us yet before we have believed in ourselves. Her lessons looked like whatever, only not to lessons in the usual understanding of this word: on a lottery of prizes for right answers, on the repeated opening of laws of addition and multiplication by own forces, on the endless relay race of questions and answers. In the senior classes I liked lessons of mathematics, chemistry, history and literature very much where it’s necessary to think logically on the one hand, and with another is to feel thinly and use the imagination. I had to participate voluntary-compulsorily in olympiads, almost in each subject which we studied at school. I participated in them, but I didn`t get many stars from the sky: winning places were only on the Ukrainian language and Ukrainian literature, biology and chemistry. In school years I visited different sections: singing, macrame, making of leather wares, ballroom and modern dances. So the school life was very sated by knowledges, events, ideas and small openings. But after completion of ninth class I entered lyceum on the coincidence of circumstances and of own accord.
In 2000 I entered lyceum at Donetsk national university and have studied during two years in a mathematical class there. On the one hand the lyceum was a transitive bridge from the childhood in a youth, and with another — the real test center where not only our knowledges and abilities but also patience were checked up. Since the first day in lyceum our class teacher Evtuhova Oksana Vladimirovna divided all troubles and gladness with us and she always could give efficient advice for us. It was not difficult to study in the lyceum, simply there was completely another approach to teaching, which was more counted on independence. The lyceum was called a zero course of university for us, and subsequently it became true. Exactly in the lyceum I removed huge pits in the knowledges on mathematics and informatics, and also I liked the Ukrainian poetry. Biology, chemistry, English — all in the lyceum was perfectly at other level, what at school. Maybe did I perceive everything othergates? There were performances, concerts, KVN in the lyceum, so it is what to recollect in an impulse of nostalgia. But two years have flown away so quickly and the other purposes were before me. It was time to choose a speciality.
Student's years
I thought for a long time, what speciality is worth choosing after completion of lyceum.
On results of ratings in 2003 I acted on the first course of faculty of computers and information science of the Donetsk national technical university on speciality «Economic cybernetics» and decided that this road was for me. I think our speciality is on a joint of three sciences: economy, computer science and management. The chosen speciality allows to form general vision of boundary tasks and problems, but the deep immersion is necessary for its decision, both in the economy and in the computer science.
In general, student's years are unforgettable time of life. The lectures on higher mathematics, discrete analysis, philosophy, psychology cost much! In the period of teaching in the university I especially liked to read esoteric and psychological literature, what I did not do before that. On the fourth course I seriously carried with development of advertising rollers in the environment of 3ds max 7. Days of department, faculty, KVN and many other cultural measures did our student's week-days brighter.
I have tried to kill by one shot at once three hares when I was choosing a theme of the diploma. On the one hand I wished to consider my hobby for development of advertising rollers. On the other hand I asked myself: "What is actual now?" and answered: "Internet", and the increase of profit and efficiency of its economic activities was always significant for any trade enterprise. I received a theme of the master's work "Increase of efficiency of economic activities of trade enterprise by means of the Internet-resources" after association of these three components. Internet-marketing means will be applied for conducting of market research, Internet-shop for the trade enterprise will create and the analysis of efficiency of its economic activity will be conducted before and after the using of Internet-resources during implementation of master's work.