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Шиповских А.В.


of Thesis for a Master’s Degree in Computer Science:

"Information analysis system of economical growth of enterprise based on econometrics methods"

Author: Shipovskih A.V.

1. Actuality

A presence is in the modern company an information system, allowing to do internal business -processes more optimum, to low production cost and promote the attractiveness of enterprise for investors, is the meaningful constituent of success in competitive activity and important condition of bringing investments. However in practice similar informational systems in connection by a high cost both software and works related to introduction, debugging of the system, teaching of personnel, can take the liberty units. Therefore development of the informational system which would be actual in the modern requirements of market and in also time was accessible to the wide circle of users is assumed in this master's degree work. Information analysis system allows to execute the analysis of the financial state of enterprise, build the model of current development of enterprise taking into account both external (inflation, rate of exchange of dollar, euro) and internal factors (profitability of property asset), to store and process the data (accounting control, calculation indexes).

2. Aims and Tasks

The purpose of the work consists in leadthrough analysis of the existent analytical systems, and development the own system, able to conduct a financial analysis, build the model of development of enterprise and keep both primary and the treated information Idea of work is develop Information analysis system, combining in itself as possibilities of analysis, prognostications and storage data. For achievement of the indicated purpose in master's degree work put and decided the followings tasks:
1. Study of literary, electronic sources on this subject and development the future model of the system.
2. Development methods of analysis of primary (entering) information, function boxes of the program. Choice a platform for realization.
This master's degree work allows to decide the row of important practical tasks:
1. Analysis of the financial state of enterprise.
2. Construction of model of development of enterprise (taking into account internal and external factors).
3. Prognostication of the future state of enterprise on the basis of model of development of enterprise.
4. Enables to keep both primary information of enterprise and results of treatment of accounting control, and results of prognostication.
5. Possibility of expansion of functions of the developed informative system.
Presently development of the Information analysis system to become all more actual as allows meaningfully to reduce the expenses of enterprise due to automation of one or another processes. However, in connection with the high cost of such systems (as a software product so expenses on his introduction) the Ukrainian market is yet unready to such investments. . Therefore mainly, both producers and users of such systems are foreign markets. For example, Erp-sistems in the USA already a long ago took the place in the process of functioning of enterprise. Therefore in connection with existent state, in this master's degree work it would be desirable to develop the Information analysis system capable in the future to outgrow in more scale commercial software product, becoming continuation of works of future master's degrees here.

List of Literature

1. Орлов А.И. Эконометрика: Учебник для вузов – М.: Издательство «Экзамен», 2002, 2003, 2004. – 576с.
2. Крамер Г. Математические методы статистики. Изд-во МИР, Москва, 1975г., 648 с.
3. Иванов Н.Н., Комазов П.В., Оценка параметров многомерных финансовых потоков. Эконометрика: проблемы теории и практики. Межвузовский сборник научных робот. Выпуск 17. Днепропетровск: Наука и образование, 2000 г., 230 с.
4. Иванов Н.Н., Комазов П.В., Проблема выбора параметров многомерной эконометрической модели. Экономика: проблемы теории и практики. Межвузовский сборник научных робот. Выпуск 19. Днепропетровск: Наука и образование, 2000 г., 257 с.
5. А.В.Гармаш. "Корреляционный анализ. Коэффициент корреляции" http://chemstat.com.ru/node/12

The work is in development for the current day and is planned to be finished by December 1st, 2008.
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