Todoraki Max
Masters personal web-page
Masters of DonNTU
About myself | The childhood | School | University
Middle mark during university study is 4.4.
I have a perfect command of Russian, Ukrainian language. I know English enough for to read and correspond.
I have programming experience in languages C, C ++, Java, Pascal, HTML with use of following software environment: Borland Delphi 7, Borland Developer Studio, Microsoft Visual Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, Borland JBuilder, Macromedia Dreamweaver.
Also I have an experience of installation, adjustment and support of local networks. |
I was born on December, 16th, 1986 in the city of Donetsk (Ukraine). My father, Todoraki Ivan Evgenjevich, 1951 year of a birth, the engineer-metallurgist; my mother – Todoraki Olga Ivanovna, 1952 year of a birth, the engineer-metallurgist. At preschool age parents have decided to give me to a kindergarten. There I did not show special talents, and nobody did not try to reveal them. I has quickly learnt to read, thanks to native elder sister, Todoraki Elena Ivanovne (stomatologist-therapist). Among vivid recollections are cars, to which I had an access since the earliest childhood. I almost thoroughly knew rules of road traffic in 6 years. | |
I went to school N135 at age of 6. I studied normally though I had no special enthusiasm in the beginning. The mathematics was easy to study, especially, when at 6 form we had very skilled teacher. But in parallel with school parents have sent me to ballroom dances. At 6-8 years I didn’t take a great interest in it, but later I was carried away by the dances and it became almost more important than school! Trainings lasting many hours, rehearsals, preparations for competitions have begun. In 8-9th forms I have understood, what does sports ballroom dance mean. When 3-4 times a week for 3-4 hours I spent on trainings, forces and time for study remain ever less. There were also competitions, and even prize-winner places. Thanks to ballroom dances I have a bit of traveling across Ukraine. However in 8th form I have decided to enter Donetsk college to continue the studying at 9-11th forms. For that moment it was very known educational institution of Donetsk which was famous for its level of preparation of technical subjects. Having entered there, it became much more difficult for me to unite difficult study in a college with persistent and tiresome trainings on ballroom dance. Running beforehand, notice, that 11th form of a college became apotheosis when duty connected with preparation for entering the High School was added to all other duties. In general, having placed for me priorities, I left ballroom dances, after about 10 years devoted to them.
Studies at college at the same time appeared much more interesting then at school. First of all, teaching level left school far behind. Other relation to learners – as to students instead of as to schoolchildren – also has pleased. Having got to a mathematic class, I found myself in surrounding of interesting and clever people among whom I found many reliable friends. Among other things, the college has cultivated in me university order: starting from 9th form each half of a year we had a full session.
During study at college, I began to take an interest in any computer technology. And it was both the computer, and any periphery. During some time I took a great interest in photo development, and later –was engaged in nonlinear video editing. With the parents’ help I have got not cheap equipment for video-tape editing and even earned some money on video processing. At 10-11th forms programming has interested me. Having studied variants of the further training at High Schools, I have come to conclusion about necessity of enter to Computer facilities and computer science faculty in DonNÒU.
Probably, its role has played relative popularity of this faculty, besides, I was intrigued with huge competition on rating tests on this faculty in DonNÒU. In 11th form I have started to study strenuously mathematics and computer science – rating tasks in these subjects were hold out in February – March, 2003. During additional lessons of computer science I was horrified by complexity of some tasks from ratings, but despite it, by results of tests I have been enlisted in numbers of students being the schoolboy.
This time, when I was already on 100 % the student (spring of 2003), I remembered as the easiest as concerns the studies. Practically all schoolmates from my surrounding, as well as I, entered the High Schools even before the college termination. As a result there was a great lot of time for rest with friends, schoolmates that I enjoyed very much.
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I became a student in 2003. At the beginning study was not more difficult than the collegiate. However later, on 2d and 3d courses, it became more difficult. I always aspired to receive the grant, the middle mark for which must be not less than 4. And always it was possible for me. Though in some semesters it was more difficult. We studied many interesting subjects which appeared useful in daily working practice. However there were also such courses, sense of studying them and remains not clear for me till today. I consider, that the modern program of experts of computer sciences learning demands constant updating in connection with huge rates of development of IT technologies. As well there were subjects which became absolutely uninteresting because of untimely, and sometimes their unqualified presentation. However above all mentioned the High School learns to study, quickly to find and acquire the necessary information, and there I have nothing to blame my faculty.
At last courses I became interested in language JAVA programming, studying of which practically was not provided by our program. I have started to attend courses of deep studying of the given technology. Besides, on 4th course I have decided, that for the modern highly skilled self-conceited expert not enough one higher education. As a result – on 5th course I have entered the institute personnel retraining at DonNÒU, for to receive the second higher education on a speciality «Economy of enterprise». I was urged on also by possibility of receiving the second diploma during 2 years of training only. The speciality is chosen not casually since experience of my acquaintances shows, that for advancement on a career ladder sooner or later the economic education becomes necessary.
In 2007 I, successfully having handed over state exams, received the bachelor's degree. After that studying has continued on the same speciality on degree of the master.
In a direction master qualifying work after long searches the technology of the expanded reality was chosen. The concrete theme of the project sounds so: «Imposing of three-dimensional objects on a video series in technology of the expanded reality». Work is carried out under a associate professor Anoprienko A.Y. management.
Except technology JAVA into a circle of my current interests enters also network and internet-programming. In these directions I plan to be engaged in studying of technologies in the near future.
About myself | The childhood | School | University
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