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Molchanyuk Yevgeniy Igorevich

Faculty: «Minering geological»

Speciality: «Drilling of shafts and wells»

Theme of master's work: "Development of improved hydromechanical packer"

Leader of work: assistant professor Yushkov Ivan Aleksandrovich



About myself (the most essential things):

       An academic average during the period of studying at University is 4.73. I speak Russian and Ukrainian fluently. I know English in the scope which is enough to read and to be in correspondence. Besides principal specialty I study the second one “Software of computer-aided systems” on the faculty of retraining under Donetsk National Technical University. I have an experience of work with such programming languages and program packages as Microsoft office, Compas, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, MathCAD, SQL, Pascal, C++, Delphi, and PHP. I am fond of photographing and rock climbing.


A profile:

       I was born on 12 August 1986 in Donetsk city, where I have grawn up and live now. In honor of my birth I was given a beautiful name Eugeniy which in Greek language means “noble”.

My family

      My parents, Molchanyuk Irina Mikhaylovna and Molchanyuk Igor Nikolaevich, are very kind and responsive people who are very important for me. They always help and support me, and in turn I try to justify all their hopes and expectations. One more member of my family about who I can not forget is my sister Ekaterina. I can say only one thing about her that she is very willful and a kind of person it is sometimes difficult to relate to.

     Apart from my parents on the earth there are two more people who I am obliged to very much. They are my grandmothers, Voytova Tamara Petrovna and Nikitina Aleksandra Ivanovna. These two people having a huge experience have helped me to make complicated decisions by giving me very wise and essential advice since my early childhood, and I am immeasurably grateful for them .    

Early childhood

      In my childhood I was a very active, lively and clever child. I can not remember my years before school very clearly. I remember that I did not like going to a kindergarten at all. Perhaps because there I was forced to eat and sleep, the things I did not like doing. Nevertheless my preschool childhood was lively and cheerful. In our yard there was not a tree (ladder, fence, roof) I would not have climbed.

School days

      In 1993 I went into the first form of school ¹ 3 in Donetsk city. My favorite subjects in primary school were “labour” and “natural history”. I did not finish the second form when I had to change my school. It happened so that in connection with my removal to a new place of living I had to move to school ¹ 122 in Donetsk city. In contrast to previous one this school was built recently as actually the whole district was. As everything new and unknown has always attracted me, I immediately liked it very much. Believe me, there were many things to know and study. Several huge aquariums with exotic fish on the ground floor, two gyms on the first floor, computer class on the third floor and a load of sports grounds outside, a glasshouse with hundreds of plants can interest any pupil, and, it goes without saying, I was not an exception. It was always interesting to study at school, and thanks to such remarkable people as Kurokhtona Natalia Vitalievna (my chemistry teacher) I obtained that necessary in future experience of note-taking and preparing for seminars owing to which I could easily study in my first years at our University.

      Having finished the sixth form and passed all the necessary exams I managed to enter my favorite chemical and biological class (there was a core school which with the lapse of time has become a core gymnasium of Budyonovskiy district) in which actually my school days finished.


       Careless school days flew by very quickly and in front of me as well as millions of university entrants the questions known to everybody have arisen: “What to be?” and “Where to go to study?” I would like to have an interesting job which would allow me to self-actualize. Since I was not concentrated on certain institute of higher education, I began to enter several institutes of higher education at the same time. But having passed exams, it did not take much time to choose and I took my documents to Donetsk National Technical University for speciality “well-drilling”, as long as I have always wanted to obtain a very good technical education. As you have already guessed, on 1 September 2003 I went to my first lectures, seminars and laboratory works in my life in Donetsk National Technical University. I liked studying there. I have made a lot of friends among my classmates. It was easy enough to study at university, the only difficulties I had were humanities, but I got them over very easily, and having lived to the fifth year of studying I continued my studying in MA course.

       In the process of studying at Donetsk National Technical University I have obtained knowledge and experience of work with programming languages and program packages:

    • Compass;
    • AutoCad;
    • MathCad;
    • SQL;
    • Pascal;
    • C++;
    • Delphi;
    • HTML;
    • PHP ;
    • Microsoft Office;
    • Adobe Photoshop.

About master’s degree work

       I have chosen “Developing and investigating of packer of hydromechanical action” as the theme of my master’s degree work. The given theme was chosen by two reasons. Firstly, I would like to contribute to the development of this area . Secondly, in the process of studying on my specialty I faced evident imperfections of existing devices. So, having analyzed all the imperfections of existing mechanisms, I set myself the task to create a practically perfect packer.

Plans for the future

       When I make any plans for the future, I become sad. Why? Because in such moments you understand how much you want to do and how transient and inexorable the time flies up. And you want to learn and travel, and at the same time to self-actualize as much as possible in respect of profession, to develop all the time broadening the mind.
      If to be more laconic, I can say about my professional plans the following: after graduating from MA course I am planning to get a job on my specialty and to finish my second specialty “Software of computer-aided systems”. I do not exclude a possibility to obtain one more higher education in future.


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