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Speciality "Engineering geodesy"
Faculty Mining-geological
Theme of master's work Influence of cartographic projection on mistakes of the determination the areas of sizeable territories of land surface
The head of the master's dissertation Vice-professor  Petrushin A.G.
Student group IG-03 Rybakova E.A.


The theme of master's work is: «Influence of cartographic projection on mistakes of the determination the areas of sizeable territories of land surface»

Urgency of this theme cause need of the working selections guideline option of cartographic projection and coordinate system for modern land management.

Organization of the problem. It is necessary to form the base of geospatial facts on modern stage of the realization land Reform in Ukraine, that content with the fixed requirements, and cover the whole territory of Ukraine. It is necessary to create the one automated system of state lands cadastre (the AS GZK).

    The coordinate system 63 year old is using in Ukraine for cadastre operations. It has demerit that leave out the particularities of our country, the particularities of conduct cadastre operations, which recently formed because in that times this coordinate system was selected to the all territory of USSR.
    It has to make the Calculation of the areas sizeable lots on surfaces of the ellipsoid. These calculations can make with different computers’ algorithm. The using CMT (the digital model to terrain) enables to abstract from cartographic projection and to conduct the calculations directly on ellipsoid on choose coordinate system.

It is possible to use several different methods for calculation area sidebar, given by coordinates of the tops. There are often use in cartographies:
1. The Summation of the discrete incrementations on aproximated sidebar.
2. The numeric integration in accord with the exact sidebar.
3. The numeric integration in accord with TIN - a models.
4. The Discrete calculation in the rectangular coordinate system equivalent to projections.

    It is necessary to solve the dual question when you choose projection and coordinates’ system: to provide the equality between measurements on terrestrial surface and that, which will measure in accord with plan and provide sequential using of geospatial facts, which pertain to significant on area territory (the region, country as a whole).
    These questions are being decided with using for cadastre works local coordinate system, which have a relationship with national coordinate system because it’s necessary to accumulate geospatial facts for the state.     The Formal transformation of the coordinates from local system in national can give rise to systematic mistakes under the conversion, that will exceed accuracy, adoption for corresponding geodetic measurements.

The Plan of the work. The Criterion of the choice cartographic projection is a provision by this projection minimum distortions or optimum distribution them at image of the planned territory. The Condition of the choice optimum projection is that central line of projections has to get through geographical centre of the territory and be directed along the most spreading draw a map territory. There are chose projections Gaussa-Kryugera and transverse-cylindrical projection Merkatora for research. The First of them is traditional for countries of SNG, the second - for European countries. It is necessary to go from local coordinate system to general geographical at a rate of country. For turning from one coordinate system to other It is necessary to know all of parameters separate coordinate system and have corresponding software, that support these systems at a rate of country. The computer technology enables to go from any cartographic projection to geodetic coordinate and conversely at presence of such systems and cartographic database.
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