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Donetsk National Technical University Zakharenko Nikolay
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Master's portal

Zakharenko Nikolay

Faculty: Mining and Geological

Speciality: Organisation of the Use of Land and Cadastre

Theme of master's work: Registration of landed limitations

Leader of work: Andolenko Svetlana


Donetsk National Technical University Zakharenko Nikolay      Importance of the issue. Domestic system of property registration and property limitations is one of undetermined social issues, which have been popular for quite a while. Reformation of this sphere began in 90s but the problems of coming into being turned out to be quite complicated and lingering. Loss caused due to the lingering process is obvious: legal uncertainty, unjustified waste of money and time, lack of guarantees for protection of rights on behalf of the State, conflicts and lingering legal cases. Experts, in their turn, point out that the State could act as a real and effective guarantor only when it has complete and accurate information from the official real estate register [1].
     The Goal of this research is to conduct analysis of the existing legal regulations and materials of practical application concerning state registration of landed property and its limitations, and also to prepare conclusions and proposals on the further development of this legal institution.
     To achieve this goal the following problems were set:
     - to reveal contents of limitations for landed property which is to be registered;
     - to consider concept and stages of state registration of landed property and its limitations;
     - to analyse land laws regulations, which regulate state registration of lease contracts, and to define whether state registration of lease contracts takes place simultaneously with state registration of certain limitations of landed property;
     - to research legal basis of servitude contracts in modern legislation;
     - to analyse peculiarities of registration of limitations set in contracts of protection for cultural monuments;
     - to work out proposals concerning improvement of mechanism of state registration of landed property and its limitations.
     Necessity to research issues of state registration of landed property and its limitations is stipulated by indeterminedness in legal terms, complexity of land and civil matters, which are prevalent in Ukrainian legislation regarding landed property registration and its limitations. The subject of research is regulations of land and civil laws settled in legislation and by-laws according to which the state registration of landed property and its limitations and their practical use are carried out.
     In science of land law and land management the research of this issue was carried out by such scientists as V.I. Andreytsev, D.V. Busyjok, S.V. Grinko, A.M. Miroshnichenko, M.G. Likhogrud, A.M. Tretyak, M.V. Shulga and others. However, this issue was covered while researching other problems of regulation of property law and landed property limitations (with exception of S.V. Grinko), that is why in research works of these authors little attention is paid to state registration of landed property limitations. Under such terms there appeared necessity to analyse modern state of registration of landed property and its limitations.
     Land code of Ukraine [2], Civil code of Ukraine [3] and Law of Ukraine “About state registration of proprietary interests in land and their limitations” [4] introduced a set of innovations into legal regulation of relations in sphere of state registration of landed property and its limitations. But neither mentioned above codes nor law, nor other standard-legal acts hold mechanisms of realisation of fundamentals of state registration, which were defined by law, in amount necessary to put them into practice in corresponding sphere. This led to the fact that existing system of registration of landed property and its limitations came to registration of right establishing documents; to lack of not only legal fundamentals, but the state registration of limitations of rights for land itself; came to existence of legally acknowledged but actually non-existent parallel registration procedures. Today one of the most actual issues still remains to be creation of uniform system of registration of landed property and its limitations, of immovables and interest in land in our state. This is necessary because there exist several registers: Register of properties, Register of property laws for immovables, Register of transactions having different holders, and that leads to abuses connected with requirements of multiple re-registration of rights for the same objects by different bodies. This also leads to complexities of receiving property for objects of immovable property and registration of legal documents. Problematic issue while registering landed property and its limitations is acquiring free access to information about it. It is clear that such difficulties in registration of land entitlements and objects of immovable property put obstacles in the way of establishing land and immovable property market in Ukraine, cause difficulties at defending rights and legitimate interests of natural persons and legal entities in courts.
     State registration of transaction should be distinguished from state registration of interest in land. The Law “About state registration of proprietary interests in land and their limitations” does not presuppose accurate order of state registration of transactions concerning immovable property in particular. Transactions are mentioned only in context of registration of interests in land as documents required for such kind of state registration (cl.19) [6].
     According to Law of Ukraine “About state registration of proprietary interests in land and their limitations” proprietary interests of natural persons and legal entities, state, territorial communities, foreigners and stateless persons, foreign legal entities, international organisations, foreign states for interest in land situated on Ukrainian territory are bound for obligatory state registration of:
     1) property for immovables;
     2) proprietary interests for other’s immovables:
     a) right of possession;
     b) right of user (servitude);
     c) right of constant use of land;
     d) right of use of land for farming needs (emphyteusis);
     e) right of use of immovables for more than one year;
     3) limitations of proprietary interests.
     In clause 319, point 1of Civil code of Ukraine the proprietor is given guarantees that he owns, uses, disposes of his property to his/her own discretion. However, the right of using and owning property is phrased but the right of disposal is not. That is why this issue is applied ambiguously in practice. [7]
     Limitations of rights of land owners concerning land use is establishment by administrative order of prohibition on some kinds of economical activity on the land or demands of abstention from certain activities, or grant of limited possibility to use the other’s land for strictly specified goals.
     Despite the name of law “About state registration of proprietary interests in land and their limitations” it (cl.23) speaks not of those limitations that are stated in clause 111 of Land code of Ukraine and are subject to state registration. Having analysed kinds of the given limitations, it is possible to make a conclusion that only the first limitation stated in cl.111 of Land code of Ukraine and the first two limitations stated in the Law partially coincide. Limitations stated in clause 23, point 2 of the Law are better be classified as penalty providing encumbrances, which are imposed on immovable propriety.
     There arises the problem of limitations representation in existing documents confirming the right for land, which would allow studying them by all interested parties. Detailed description of limitations in land use is advisable to depict in separate document to be added to official act of property [8]. However, nowadays there is no such rule of law, which would presuppose this.
     With regard to representation of limitations of rights for land in documents recognized by state and available for all interested parties the following can be ascertained: nowadays there are approved and recognized by legislation normative forms of contracts with detailed description of limitations of rights for land as the obligatory part of a contract. Those are lease contract and contract of protection [9], which are obligatory drawn for the objects of cultural heritage.
     The work is going to consider structure of land lease contract and contract of protection, means of representation of rights for land limitations in them, methods of registrations of such contracts. It is also planned to analyse laws of Ukraine, subordinate legislation concerning provision of state registration of rights and their limitations in order to define whether registration of the above mentioned contracts takes place simultaneously with registration of limitations pointed out in them, and if it is so then to define whether it is possible to recognise such a registration as a state one.


     1. Грицюк Н. Пріоритет без альтернатив // Землевпорядний вісник. - 2006. - № 1. – с. 30.
     2. Земельний кодекс України. За станом на 20.06.2007. (Відомості Верховної Ради (ВВР), 2002, N 3-4, ст.27).
     3. Цивільний кодекс України. За станом на 29 березня 2006 р./ Верховна Рада України: Офіц. вид. – К.: Парламентське видавництво, 2006. – 400 с.
     4. Закон України «Про державну реєстрацію речових прав на нерухоме майно та їх обмежень» (Відомості Верховної Ради (ВВР), 2004, N 51, ст.553).
     5. Тимчасовий Порядок ведення державного реєстру земель, затв. наказом Держкомзему України 02.07.03, № 174.
     6. Простибоженко О. Виникнення права власності та державна реєстрація договору. - с. 46//Земля: Договори, суд, законодавство: Научно-практичний посібник (видання друге, перероблене та доповнене)/ За заг. ред.. С.Я. Фурси – К.: Видавець Фурса С.Я.: КНТ, 2008. – 780 с. (Серія «Правова допомога»).
     7. Сенчук В.В. Реєстрація права власності на об’єкт нерухомості. - с. 46-51//Земля: Договори, суд, законодавство: Научно-практичний посібник (видання друге, перероблене та доповнене)/ За заг. Ред. С.Я. Фурси – К.: Видавець Фурса С.Я.: КНТ, 2008. – 780 с. (Серія «Правова допомога»).
     8. Дорош Й. Формування та облік обмежень у використанні земельних ділянок // Землевпорядний вісник. - 2006. - № 2. – с. 61 - 63.
     9. Постанова Про затвердження Порядку укладення охоронних договорів на пам'ятки культурної спадщини. Затв. Кабінетом Міністрів України від 28 грудня 2001 р. N 1768.

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