Aleksandr Khandildy |
computer informational technologies and automatics |
electronic technology
electronic systems |
The theme of master's dissertation:
«Analysis engineering data and effective remedy structure electronic system
in industrial wireless communications»
Academic adviser::
Zori Anatolij Anatolijovich,
DPhil., prof.
«Analysis engineering data and effective remedy structure electronic system in industrial wireless communications»
Objective scientific work
Experimental materials
Scientific novelty
The practical results of research
Progress of work
Publications of research results
In recent years in our country and abroad, much attention is paid to the development and research in the field of wireless data transmission technology. Data obtained from such studies are used to implement new standards and conceptually hardware and software technologies for the rational implementation of existing technologies in the implementation of specific objectives.
However, at this stage there is a lack of background materials for the project organizations and other agencies on rational use and the use of wireless technology for wireless communications at industrial sites mining, steel and petrochemical industries..
Among the important tasks of research in this area faces the challenge of the opportunity to expand the use of electronic wireless systems in the specific conditions of industrial enterprises.
Therein lies the importance of ongoing work. The use of electronic wireless systems are much more effective than their cable counterparts, and sometimes the only solution to meet the challenges of automation and control production processes. This is especially true for the Donetsk region with a high density of industrial facilities.
The difficult economic situation in the country over the past ten years has prevented at a sufficient level to introduce modern technologies at the sites, but in recent years, a reverse trend, and that was the impetus for research in the field of communications and industrial automation.
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Objective scientific work
The purpose of work is to study the possibility of using existing wireless technologies and software and hardware in terms of industrial facilities, the capacity of forecasting in spatial coordinates, optimize their implementation, as well as the development of recommendations aimed at overcoming the existing problems in this matter.
In connection with this solved such problems:
1. The theoretical rationale and the most effective choice of wireless technologies, taking into account the specific circumstances at industrial sites;
2. The synthesis of existing methods and approaches for implementing wireless communications;
3. Search features and patterns of distribution and dissemination of EM-waves;
4. Development of recommendations for optimizing the introduction of wireless technologies for industrial sites;;
Experimental materials
To work used experimental research data wireless networks in the Donetsk region, which are collected in 2008. Use more than 800 measurements.
Scientific novelty
Obtained and synthesized data on the distribution and absorption of EM-wave conditions in specific industrial facilities. Extended background information base and received patterns of production factors influence the quality of signal transmission and its reception. Developed guidelines for the implementation of electronic wireless systems for industrial facilities.
The practical results of research
Results can be used in research and design institutions working in the electronic industry of wireless technologies:
1. in the design and organization of communications systems at industrial sites;
2. when developing projects for the automation of production at industrial sites;
3. in the design of electronic systems, wireless industrial performance;
Progress of work
At this stage (2 quarter in 2008) are finishing a pilot study, carried out preparations for the start of the statistical processing of materials pilot studies. Completion of the work is scheduled for 4 quarter of 2008.
Publications of research results
At this stage (2 quarter in 2008) no. The first publication scheduled for 3 quarter of 2008.
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