- http://artlebedev.ru/kovodstvo — широко
известное в более узких, чем хотелось бы, кругах, Ководство
Артемия Лебедева. На этом же сайте настоятельно советую просмотреть
все Бизнес-линчи и Идиотеку.
- http://www.narisoval.ru/old.html — Рома
Воронежский, друг и соратник все того же Лебедева. Если вчитываться,
можно найти пару-тройку стоящих мыслей касательно дизайна вообще
и веб-дизайна в частности
- http://htmlbook.ru — довольно
толковый справочник и учебник по HTML, и даже немного по цветоведению
Англоязычные электронные журналы и сборники
- http://www.designers-guide.org/index.html — The
Designers Guide Community
The Designer's Guide® Community website is a site where
analog, mixed-signal and RF circuit designers come to learn
about simulation, modeling and design.
- http://mwrf.com — Microwaves & RF
Trusted Resource for the Working RF Engineer
- http://mwee.com — Microwave
Engineering Europe
Microwave & RF design, technology and news
- http://ieeexplore.ieee.org — IEEE
Xplore Magazine
IEEE Xplore is a digital library providing full text access
to the world's highest quality technical literature in electrical
engineering, computer science, and electronics. IEEE Xplore
contains full text documents from IEEE journals, transactions,
magazines, letters, conference proceedings, standards, and
IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) publications.
- http://techonline.com/learning/techpaper/ — TechOnline
Learning Center
Launched in 1996, TechOnline is the design and engineering
resource for engineers and engineering managers involved
in the electronics sector. To achieve this goal, TechOnline
provides users with a host of education resources, which
range from Webinars to online courses to a research library
of white papers. At the same time, the site offers engineers
the chance to evaluate products using TechOnline's patented
VirtuaLab technology, the ability to sort through new products
from around the Electronics sector, and insights into design
approaches through the site's Under the Hood tear down section.
- http://dubus.org — Dubus
Magazine Online
The serious magazine for VHF and up amateur radio
- http://www.radiolab.com.au/designfile1.htm — Applied
Radio Labs Design Center
This section of our website contains papers on RF and Radio
design written by our experts.
- http://www.mwjournal.com/ — Microwave
Journal Online
Serves design and development engineer and engineering managers
in the fields of wireless, radar, navigation, communications
systems and military systems.
- http://www2.theiet.org/oncomms/sector/communications/library.cfm — IET
Technical articles
A selection of technical papers and articles, relevant to
RF industry.
- http://www.bmas-conf.org/index.html — 2008
IEEE International Behavioral Modeling and Simulation Conference
The 2008 IEEE International Behavioral Modeling and Simulation
Conference is a "workshop-like" conference that
focuses on behavioral modeling and simulation for analog
electronic circuits and systems. As such, it addresses the
development and application of behavioral languages and simulators,
as well modeling practices and the automatic extraction of
models. The Verilog-AMS and VHDL-AMS languages are of particular
- http://www.microwaves101.com/ — Microwaves101
A practical web resource covering the fundamental principles
of microwave design.
- http://www.circuitsage.com/pll.html — Circuit
Sage PLL Design
A website designed by integrated circuit designers for circuit
- http://www.chipdesignmag.com/ — Chip
Design Magazine
In each issue, Chip Design addresses the information needs
of the leading-edge, upper-mainstream, and system-level programmable
logic IC designers.
- http://rfdesign.com/ — RF
Design Magazine
RF Design magazine provides RF and microwave engineers with
design and development information concerning wireline and
wireless communication's circuits and products using radio
frequency signals going from very low frequency all the way
to millimeter waves. And, in addition, RF Design covers communication
circuits involving lightwaves.
- http://www.radio-electronics.com/index.php — the
information, data and tutorials resource for electronics engineers
Radio-Electronics.Com aims to provide up to the minute information,
articles, tutorials and data for the radio and electronics
- http://www.qsl.net/master.htm — Amateur
Radio Community
The largest site devoted totally to Amateur Radio on the
Русскоязычные электронные журналы и сборники
- http://chipnews.ru — Chip
Журнал "Chip News" - научно-технический журнал.
В нем публикуются обзоры, статьи, схемы, рекомендации по
применению изделий электронной техники, дается анализ рынка
электронных компонентов, состояние и тенденции его развития,
экономические и правовые вопросы в области микроэлектроники,
приводятся сведения о дистрибьюторах, российских и зарубежных
- http://www.rlocman.ru/ — Радиолоцман
Статьи и обзоры по электронике.
- http://www.radioradar.net/articles/index.html — Статьи
радиоэлектронной тематики, техника измерений, аудио и видеотехника
Подборка научно-технических статей радиоэлектронной тематики,
статей по технике измерений, обзоры аудио и видеотехники.
- http://www.rfdesign.ru/ — РЧ
дизайн и технологии
Все для радистов и связистов: различная информация о стандартах,
системах, РЧ технологиях, дизайне, схемотехнике и оборудовании
мобильной связи.
Форумы и сообщества специалистов по высокочастотной
- http://www.rfcafe.com/references/blogs_forums.htm — Engineering
Forums, Technical Blogs & Wikis
As with most other topics, there is a plethora of bulletin
boards, forums, weblogs (blogs) and wikis out there for science
and engineering. An extensive search for relevant URLs is
presented here.
- http://www2.theiet.org/oncomms/pn/rf/ — RF & Microwave
Engineering Network
A community for the growth and exchange of knowledge in
engineering and technology
- http://electronix.ru/forum/ — Форум
разработчиков электроники
Русскоязычный форум разработчиков электронных устройств
- http://www.designers-guide.org/Forum/ — The
Designer's Guide Community Forum
RF, Analog, Mixed Signal and other discussions.
- http://www.eng-tips.com/threadminder.cfm?pid=239 — Microwave & electromagnetic
engineering Forum
Intelligent work forums for engineering professionals.
Производители СВЧ устройств и их компонентов
- http://analogdevices.com/ — Analog
The world leader in signal processing solutions
- http://hittite.com/ — Hittite
Microwave Corporation
Founded in 1985, Hittite Microwave Corporation designs and
develops high performance integrated circuits (ICs), modules
and subsystems for technically demanding radio frequency
(RF), microwave and millimeterwave applications covering
the frequency range of DC to 110 GHz.
- http://melt.aha.ru/ — МЭЛТ
Российский производитель микроэлектронных устройств.
- http://www.spectrummicrowave.com/default.asp — Spectrum
Spectrum Microwave draws upon an extensive design library
and a talented staff of experienced microwave engineers with
backgrounds in amplifiers, mixers, filters, Oscillators,
Synthesizers and systems. The company now is a single organization
focused on providing a wide range of microwave solutions.
Программное обеспечение для моделирования
СВЧ систем
- http://www.mathworks.com/products/simulink/ — MathSoft
Simulink® is an environment for multidomain simulation
and Model-Based Design for dynamic and embedded systems.
It provides an interactive graphical environment and a customizable
set of block libraries that let you design, simulate, implement,
and test a variety of time-varying systems, including communications,
controls, signal processing, video processing, and image
- http://ansoft.com/products/hf/ansoft_designer/ — Ansoft
Ansoft Designer® is an integrated schematic and design
management front-end for Ansoft's best-in-class simulation
technologies, Nexxim®, HFSS™, Q3D Extractor®,
and SIwave™. Ansoft Designer is the foundation for
a highly accurate design flow that allows users to precisely
model and simulate complex analog, RF, and mixed-signal applications
and perform signal-integrity analysis and system verification
of high-performance IC/package/board designs. This flexible,
easy-to-use software includes schematic and layout capture,
netlist generation, a planar electromagnetic solver (Method
of Moments), and sophisticated data visualization and analysis
- http://eesof.tm.agilent.com/products/systemvue/ — Agilent
SystemVue is a system-level design environment for development,
simulation and analysis. It has an intuitive block level
design interface with extensive model libraries of modulation
standards, adaptive control elements, and digital signal
processing components. SystemVue analysis is bit- and distortion-true.
Results can be output as C code for a DSP processor or as
HDL code for an FPGA.
- http://web.awrcorp.com/Usa/Products/Microwave%2DOffice/ — AWR
Microwave Office
Microwave Office® design suite is the industry's fastest
growing microwave design platform and has revolutionized
the communications design world by providing users with a
superior choice. Built on the unique AWR high-frequency design
environment platform with its unique unified data model,
Microwave Office software offers unparalleled intuitiveness,
powerful and innovative technologies, and unprecedented openness
and interoperability, enabling integration with best-in-class
tools for each part of the design process.
- http://www.radiolab.com.au/Products/SimPLL/specs.htm — SimPLL
SimPLL is a complex program for the analysis and synthesis
of PLL frequency synthesizers.
- http://www.cst.com/Content/Products/MWS/Overview.aspx — CST
Microwave Studio
CST MICROWAVE STUDIO® (CST MWS) is a specialist tool
for the 3D EM simulation of high frequency components. CST
MWS' unparalleled performance made it first choice in technology
leading R&D departments. Applications include typical
MW&RF like in mobile communication, wireless design,
but also increasingly signal integrity, and EMC/EMI. Exceptionally
user friendly, CST MWS quickly gives you an insight into
the EM behaviour of your high frequency designs.
Статьи по фотографии
- Скучные
фотографии Petteri Sulonen
Статья о современных тенденциях в фотографии
- Уши
О роли фотографа в сюжете снимка.
- Как
избежать неприятностей во время съемки
Профессионал — это не тот, кто делает классные картинки,
а тот, кто вовремя возвращается в редакцию.
- О
фотографичности фотоснимка
Зигфрид Кракауэр — беллетрист, социолог, искусствовед, кинокритик.
Наибольшую известность автору принесли исследования в области
киноискусства, которые и по сей день не теряют актуальности.
В 1960 году вышел его основной киноведческий труд «Теория
фильма» («Природа фильма»), вскоре переведенный на многие
языки мира. Однако эта книга оказалась знаковой не только
для киноискусства… Первая глава «Природы фильма» посвящается
фотографии (по Кракауэру — киноискусство проистекает из фотографии),
в которой автор скрупулезно исследует природу фотоснимка
и выявляет те уникальные черты, которые отличают фотографию
от какого-либо другого искусства.