Anastasiya Rakitina
Faculty: Computer Information Technologies and Automatics [CITA]
Speciality: Telecommunication Systems and Networks [TCS]
The master work's topic: "Research and elaboration of laboratory technical means for study of PLL systems' characteristics in course of electric communication theory"
Scientific adviser: Ph.D. Aleksandr Vorontsov, professor
The average mark of my bachelor's diploma is 4.92. I know Russian, Ukrainian and English. During my studying at Donetsk National Technical University I got practical knowledge in such program products as Visio, NetCracker, SystemView, NetSim. I dote on travelling.
My name is Rakitina Anastasiya. I was born on the 13 of April 1986 in Chebocksary city (the capital of Chuvashskaya republic). I lived there in Traktorostroitelei street in multi-storeyed building 13 and flat 13. As a majority of children, I went to kindergarten, which was near us. In general, my mother didn’t want me to go to kindergarten. And when she took me there for the first time, she got really upset, because I waved my hand to her at once, said "Good-bye" and went to play. I used to be very talkative (what can’t be said about me now). I really liked reading and reciting poetry. When my mother and I learned Russian alphabet, she hung letters above my bed: first several days letter "A" was being hung, then – letter "Á" and so on, until I learned all letters. Once the entire alphabet appeared above my bed. Then every evening before going to bed I insisted on my mother to show me letters in a free order for me to name them (I was really content with it).
In 1991 our family moved to Ukraine (to Avdeevka town of Donetsk region). I remember, there were many tanks in Moscow streets, while we were moving. I was very frightened. In Ukraine I had gone to "Teremok" kindergarten for some time before I went to school.
School and lyceum
On the 1 of September 1993 I started studying at 1"A" form of secondary school in Avdeevka. On a level with my classes I did all sorts of things, including ball-room dances, swimming, drawing. Very often my friend and I played badminton. Because of that I’ve hurled abuse at all ladies in our yard, as during our games my dog always ran after a shuttlecock and barked loudly. But it was fun!!! I studied at school till the 9 form. Then, in 2001, I entered the best lyceum in the world (of Donetsk National University)!!! I studied at the best form (with Physics as the main subject)!!! And we had the best teachers (particularly I’d like to note our head-teacher Routchka Nickolai Ivanovich)!!! Although I studied at lyceum for only 2 years, but that time was the most splendid for me! I could hardly believe, it would ever end.
I became a student on the 1 of September 2003. I entered Donetsk National Technical University. I chose "Telecommunication Systems and Networks" speciality (frankly speaking, just because it sounds nice). I like studying, but sometimes there are a lot of difficulties. In 2007 I got the honours bachelor’s diploma and entered the magistracy. Also I made up my mind to continue learning English. And now I'm doing the First Kyiv state courses of foreign languages.
Master's work
My science work leader is professor Aleksandr Vorontsov. My master work's topic is "Research and elaboration of laboratory technical means for study of PLL systems' characteristics in course of electric communication theory".
Plans for future
I want to complete and defend my master's work, to find an interesting job and to be always healthy and happy!!!