Kozik Andrey Igorevich
Donetsk national technical university
Faculty Mechanical
Speciality "Metal-cutting machine tools and systems"
Dron3-5@yandex.ru |
The existing type of industrial structures of the machine-building enterprises is characterized by a number of signs:
– Absence of strongly expressed technological specialisation of machine-building manufactuing;
– In many cases redundancy or insufficiency of capacities of industrial systems;
– Absence of flexibility of the production systems in transition of enterprise to the issue of new products.
The basis of the branch was the product specialization on enterprises. The transition of enterprise to the issue of essentially new products in these conditions demands radical reorganisation with attraction of the additional investments to receive which is complicated.
Thus, the present stage of mechanical engineering development is characterised by necessity of maintenance of produced products competitiveness, that means operative reaction of manufacture to consumer demand change, decrease in the cost price of its release at essential reduction of release terms and maintenance of quality.
One of the basic laws of development of techniques at the present stage consists in that the automation gets into all branches of technics, in all links of production, causing revolutionary, qualitative changes in them, opening unprecedented before possibilities of labour productivity growth, improvement of quality and increase in output, simplification of working conditions.
Automation of production processes is set of actions for working out of technological processes, for creation and introduction of the highly-efficient automatically operating means of production, providing continuous growth of labour productivity.
Automation of production processes is of great importance at the present stage of mechanical engineering development at formation of market relations. A basis of production processes is the automated technological processes of tooling and assembling which provide high efficiency and necessary quality of produced products.
Automatic machines and automatic transfer lines not only of various, but also of identical technological purpose are rather various on spatial arrangement. However, in each case arrangement should be a result of the engineering analysis of concrete conditions, it should be optimum, i.e. to promote performance of the functional process assigned to the equipment with the maximum productivity. Starting automatic machine or automatic transfer line designing, the designer should represent clearly the factors objectively influencing arrangement, to be able to estimate and compare them as in most cases these factors are contradictory and it is necessary to find the optimum decision.
Unfortunately, at the decision of problems of arrangement designers sometimes rely on experience and on intuition, without doing the due analysis. Thus underestimation of possibilities of modern means and following the old traditions result in that in the automatic machines, even with high reliability, designers provide the considerable additional areas for workplaces, for bodies of a manual control mechanisms of machinery, numerous places of adjustments, changes of tools, details and knots of machines. In this case irrational arrangement reduces efficiency of automation and conducts to floor space underexploitation. It is necessary to remember, that the problem of optimum arrangement should be solved from positions of the certain moment of time.
Thus, rational arrangement from the point of view of technological process promotes increase of productivity of machines, and arrangement from the point of view of economy of a floor space increases productivity from area unit, that under all other equal conditions provides increase of productivity of labour and decrease in the cost price of production. The considered factors are general and operate constantly, though their importance changes in due course.
Arrangement of automatic systems is one of the major stages of automation of manufacture which consisted in the choice of basic, transport-load equipment and solving of problems of to their mutual locations. Initial information for the choice of basic, transport-load equipment is information about the produced details:
1) the analysis of the drawing of a detail and technical requirements to it, allocation of the surfaces which are subject to processing, definition of accuracy and parametres of a roughness of processed surfaces;
2) a choice of methods of the processing, providing necessary parameters of accuracy level and qualitative parameters of a surface;
3) determination of number of transitions, necessary for complete processing of a surface according to requirements of the draft, and the possible methods of processing realising these transitions, forming geometrical parameters of a surface and providing the set accuracy of processing and a roughness, selection of methods the indexes of which on exactness of treatment and roughness of surface are equal or near between itself;
4) selection of the tools realising corresponding methods of processing, taking into account accuracy of processing, a surface roughness;
5) drawing up of variants of routes on the basis of the spent conducted stages of work;
6) necessary volume of output of a product.
The important factor influencing a choice of the capital equipment, is branch and type of manufacture (picture 1), depending on which automatic systems are created on the basis of the various equipment, and are shared in some groups:
The automatic systems (AS) organized on principle of sites for finely and medium-size productions with automation of transport-ware-house operations belong to the first group. The structure of such AS include machine tools with NPC for manufacturing of the listed products fixed to system, and also the universal or specialised equipment, which is not equipped with NPC.
To the second group belong specialised AS for processing or assembling of small group of constructive-homogeneous products with insignificant differences in elements of a design and ways of their connection in the conditions of a large-lot production. And the nomenclature of produced products is stable and, as a rule, is known at system creation. The specialised processing and assembling equipment, modular machine tools with NPC, the equipment, with nozzles can constitute the structure of such AS. The transmission of details between machine tools at sequential processing can be carried out by means of the conveyor, and equipment loading-unloading – by the manipulator with a mechanical drive.
To the third group belong universal AS, intended for processing of small batches of diverse details with the changing nomenclature. Such systems should provide possibility of transition of new details to manufacture without a manufacture stop, decrease in expenses for industrial equipment, working capacity preservation at partial failure of the equipment and high degree of loading of the equipment. Therefore in such AS, machine tools of the same type with wide technological possibilities are applied.
Other important factor of arrangement of automatic transfer lines is the transport-loading system, since the first, most widely spread requirement for the details, arriving at automatic machines, automatic transfer lines are their orientation. For this purpose target mechanisms and devices of single courses are used: industrial robots (IR), autooperators, various focusing devices, store and warehouse devices, oscillation bunker-orienting devices (OBOD). They are intended for moving of products from a position on a position, their distribution on streams, turn, orientation, interoperational accumulation and warehousing. Character of work, composition, construction, arrangement of the indicated devices directly depend on descriptions of goods and character of flowing of technological process.
Also the important factor is a choice of type of the equipment of a warehouse taking into account goods traffics of a site or shop, is constructive-technological features of products and preparations, the periods of storage, the process equipment applied on a site.
Arrangement of warehouses depends on type and character of manufacture, the production program, intrashop and intersystem transport, characteristics of an industrial building, where the projected site or shop takes places, and also on type and the equipment of warehouses, their key parameters.
Selecting the machine tools it is necessary to consider the possibility of their building in the AS. For this purpose they should have automatic devices for loading and fastening of the components of the same type, identical devices CHPU and sufficient capacity of magazines of tools.
On a basis above stated and after acceptance of building-block approach principle(that means, whether there will be an automatic machine of the consecutive, parallel or mixed action), choose a type of the demanded equipment, technical characteristics on machine tools, adaptations, IR, character and a route of transportation of details – on the basis of which the selection of the equipment from available park is done (according to the catalogue) or develop and use the specialised equipment. At this stage configuration of the automated industrial site is defined, calculation of capacity of the automated warehouse is carried out , number of components, optimisation of a spatial arrangement of the equipment.
Determination of a unitization principle and a choice of number of positions is worked on by the method of engineering calculation.
In process of development of complex automation in various areas of mechanical engineering more and more automatic transfer lines appear the constructive decision of which can also be used in other objects. Creation of typical technical decisions is one of the conditions, promoting the decline of cost and reduction of time at designing of the automatic transfer line. High rates of technical progress demand such hardware of manufacture which could be in time with technical progress, i.e. could have high mobility (possibility to release the wide nomenclature and types of details and products). This characteristic feature of a mass production which gets the important role in mechanical engineering and in other industries. Automation level already allows to remove now many restrictions earlier imposed on arrangement of machines so that it in a greater measure promoted the decision of problems of increase of productivity of machines and economy of a floor space.
The modern domestic mechanical engineering should develop in a direction of automation of manufacture with wide use of the COMPUTERS and robots, introductions of the flexible technologies allowing quickly and effectively to reconstruct technological processes on manufacturing of new products.
Thus, in view of complexity of the solved problems and great volume of the processed information, synthesis of machine-tools systems is compound enough. Therefore the further works, in the field of working out of the automated system of optimum schemes designing of construction of flexible machine-tools systems are necessary, working out of applied programs, which would allow to project automatically a group technological route of processing for the set group of details, to generate and estimate technically expedient variants, to find the best among them by the chosen criteria, leaving for projector the right of acceptance of the final decision.
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