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Vladimir Valeryevich Pyatakov

Faculty: Mechanical

Speciality: "Quality standardization and certification"

Theme of master's degree work: "Proposals development of consumer satisfaction analysis on public corporation “Donetsk Plant of Mine-Rescue Equipment"

Supervisor: Assistant Professor, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Godina Nataliya Fedorovna

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Summary of master's degree work

    In our time it is a very difficult task to offer consumer a new kind of production. But in conditions of world business competition it is also a very expensive thing. Development of novelty takes time, investments and careful marketing research of market conjuncture. Sometimes risk bonus makes investment in the development of new production not effective.

    In the process of quality management of production it is necessary to trace factors of industrial activity: actual marketing researches and analysis of clients’ and consumers’ satisfaction. Established relations with wholesale buyers and technical support of sold products act the great part.

    Processes, connected with consumer satisfaction assessment, methods of consumer satisfaction assessment, ways of information collection, methods of negotiation with the most important customers of enterprise, criterias and activities of marketing researches and market conjuncture are examined in the master’s degree work.

The purpose and basic tasks of the research
    Basic tasks of the research are:

1. Establishment of general rules and regularities in methods of consumer satisfaction assessment, reclamation processing and processing of customer’s and partner’s responses.

2. Assessment of the significance of the degree of customer focus for enterprise and determination of cost efficiency of comprehensive system of quality management.

3. Development of general recommendations on conducting active and effective inquiry of consumers of different levels of importance and output volume.

4. Compilation of questionnaire on the basis of researches, which will help marketing department to make the recommendations concerning conjuncture and perspectives of market development.

The purpose of this research is systematization and optimization of management of production quality and organization management.

Actuality and novelty
    For any modern business enterprise the primary objective of existence is a receiving of profit, which can be received from the sale of commodities or rendering of services. On this basis it is not diffisult to make a conclusion: a manufacturer will receive a great economic effect, if he satisfies needs and foresees wishes of consumer in full.

    Examining modern tendencies on introduction of the systems of quality management on enterprises it is necessary to mark one of main principles of TQM, finding a reflection in the standards of ISO of series 9000:2000, is an orientation on satisfaction of requirements and expectations of consumers. Managers can not accept effective decisions about that, which is exactly required to improve in products and service without the exact estimations of satisfaction of consumers. The higher level of buyers satisfaction of the company products, the higher probability of its repeated acquisition by those buyers in the future. Research of factors, which influence on consumer satisfaction, is a central moment in modern industrial marketings researches. Therefore actuality of researches, which are devoted to measuring and estimation of consumer satisfaction, does not cause a doubt.

It is necessary to create the constantly perfected complex system of quality management on the enterprise, which will be able to be regulated and tuned under the current methods of production and market conjuncture for the receipt of the real benefits from the taking into account consumers’ opinion.

In the modern economy it is necessary to work out the problems of permanent improvement and perfection jointly with a receipt of profit from instantaneous success.

At the market of Ukraine in present moment the laws of hard competition become actual. Unfortunately, the period of primary stock accumulation was not completed in all industries. Following step is toughening of competition in industries, quality increase and need for products. Thereby the progressive methods of enterprise management are the basis of forthcoming successes.

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