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Магистр ДонНТУ Свистун Татьяна Викторовна       

Svistun Tat'yana Victorovna

The departement : Mechanical and French technical faculty
Speciality : "Engineering technique"
Le sujet du travail du maître : “L'amélioration de la qualité des orifices, obtenus par les outils axials."
Menager : Assistant professor of the department Mechanical engineering, Kovalenko V.I.

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       Curriculume vitae

Name: Tat'yana
Surname: Svistun
Address: 36 avenue Vatutina Donetsk
Telephone: mob:8050-685-91-90
Date of birth 10.10.1986
Place of birth s. Zapolyarni t. Vorkuta r. Komi
Marital status Single
Nationality Ukrainian
Education and Training
September 1993 – June 2003 Secondary school N 10 town Krasnoarme'ysk Donetsk region Ukraine
September 2003 – June 2007 Qualification The National Technical Donetsk University – a Bachelor Degree of Engineering technique
September 2007- February 2008 Qualification The National Technical Donetsk University – a Master's Degree of Engineering technique
Skills Diligence, responsibility, organizational skills
Computer literacy Computer's user, Internet user, e-mail, MathCAD, T-FLEX CAD, TechnoPro, Compas, ANSYS
Languages Native Russian, Ukrainian, mean level of French,French technical
Interests Dances,photography, art, music, literature


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